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Create timeline event rollups

timeline event rollup icon.png By creating timeline event queries, you can choose to roll up the data stored in timeline events and save the results to a profile property. Currently, you may be using the Timeline Query Connection to achieve these data rollups. With the new Timeline event rollups page, you use a simple three-step UI to create a rollup. 

Before you begin: Get user permissions for this feature

In order to begin using this feature, make sure your user role has the appropriate BlueConic role permissions to use this feature. Your BlueConic Application Manager must assign the 'Timeline event rollups' permission to the appropriate user roles on the Roles page. By default, only Application Managers and BlueConic Support get this permission.


Create timeline event rollups

Start by going to the Roles page to make sure your user role has permissions for timeline event rollups. 

  1. Navigate to More > Timeline events from the main BlueConic navigation bar, and then select the Timeline event rollups tab.
    Timeline Rollups.png
  2. Click the Add timeline event rollup button.
  3. Select the Timeline event type whose data you'd like to store in a rollup.
    Rollups Timeline Event Type.png
  4. Next to Conditions, you can filter the events you're interested in. For example, for the Timeline event type 'Order' you might only be interested in orders after April 10, with a minimum revenue of 200. The section below shows which properties and condition operators you can select. Other available date conditions are shown in the table below
    3Select Timeline Rollup Conditions BlueConic.png
    If you need details on how the timeline event properties are structured, in a different window, create a segment to find an eligible profile and inspect the profile's timeline events to see how the data is structured.
    • Note: If you select multiple conditions, all of the conditions must be met in order for a timeline event's data to be rolled up.
    • Tip: For optimal system performance, add a relative date condition to your rollup (based on timeline event date) so BlueConic only retrieves necessary data—i.e., only events that meet that condition.
  5. Next, you map the timeline event properties that meet the conditions you set above, in order to save them in profile properties. Under Mappings, for each timeline event property in the rollup, you select a timeline event property, a mapping operator, and a profile property
    • Note: The mapping operators available for each mapping depend on the data type you're selecting. After selecting a timeline event property in the first mapping box, the operator selector dropdown will only display valid and available options. Review the list of Mapping operators in the table below.
      Map timeline event properties in rollup.png
  6. When you have completed the rollup, switch the toggle button to On and click Save to run the rollup.

When does a timeline event rollup get run?

Timeline rollup functionality doesn't work like connections. You don't need to schedule or press the Run now button. After you switch the rollup on, the rollup is run only when needed, making it more real time and accurate. A rollup for a profile is run when:

  1. The rollup is created or updated.
  2. A timeline event is added, updated, or deleted for a given profile.
  3. The timeline event retention period has passed.
  4. The recalculation date has passed.

Rollups using relative date conditions

If a timeline rollup uses a relative date condition - such as within last X days - it will automatically recalculate when the result of the query would change. For example, if you create a rollup that counts the number of orders in the last 7 days, BlueConic evaluates relevant profiles and tracks when the recalculation should happen, counting 7 days in the future (UTC, rounding up until midnight). When a timeline event is added, BlueConic will calculate the rollup and then plan to recalculate in 7 days. See an example of recalculating relative date conditions for timeline event rollups.

Refreshing a rollup

You can click Refresh in the Statistics widget in the right-hand panel of the page. You can refresh it once every 5 minutes. See Timing and refreshing the rollup for details.

Elements of the Basic Query Builder

Timeline event types

BlueConic stores time-based event data in timeline events. There are multiple timeline event types available out of the box, and you can extend the existing timeline event types and create custom timeline event types to suit your use cases. Learn more about timeline event types, their data structure, and priority levels.



After you have selected timeline event data to be rolled up via the query builder, you can filter for specific event property values. Click the Add condition button to build up conditions that timeline events must meet before saving data into profile properties.

For example, you can choose to limit the query to only the 'Email delivered' events for a certain campaign. 

Note: If there are multiple conditions, all of the conditions must be met in order for a timeline event's data to be rolled up.

The condition operator that's available here depends on the data type of the event property.

Condition operators

The condition operators in the table below are available in the basic timeline query builder.

Note: If a timeline event property contains multiple values, the rollup uses all those values as long as that property is flagged as "multi-value." You can have any property flagged as multi-value by contacting BlueConic Support. (Make sure that Support has access to your tenant and the 'Timeline event rollups' permission is enabled for Support through the Roles page.)

If a property is NOT flagged as multi-value, then the rollup uses only the first value.

The following properties are multi-value by default:

  • Order event type > Tag property
  • Order event type > Product property > Product tag subproperty
  • Order event type > Product property > Product category subproperty
  • Order refund event type > Product property > Product category subproperty
  • Abandoned basket event type > Product property > Product category subproperty

Condition operator

Data type


Minimum Number, Decimal

Value is equal to or larger than the given value (>=).


(event value) (operator) (condition value) → Event matches condition

10 >= 5 → True

5 >= 20 → False

10 >= 10 → True

EMPTY >= 5 → False

Properties can contain multiple values; timeline rollups use only the first value unless the property is flagged as "multi-value."

10, 9 >= 10 → True

9, 10 >= 10 → False

Maximum Number, Decimal

Value is equal to or smaller than the given value (<=).


(event value) (operator) (condition value) → Event matches condition

10 <= 5 → False

5 <= 20 → True

10 <= 10 → True

EMPTY <= 10 → False

Properties can contain multiple values; timeline rollups use only the first value unless the property is flagged as "multi-value."

10, 11 <= 10 → True

11, 10 <= 10 → False

Is empty Number, Decimal, Text, Date

The property doesn’t have a value or is an empty String in case of a Text property (IS NULL OR = "").


(event value) (operator) (condition value) → Event matches condition

Empty → True

““ → True

“Value” → False

Has a value Number, Decimal, Text, Date

The property has a value and is not an empty string in case of a Text property (IS NOT NULL AND != "").


(event value) (operator) (condition value) → Event matches condition

Empty → False

““ → False

“Value” → True

Equals Text

Contains any of the given values (exact matching. Case-insensitive) (IN (value1, value2, ...)).

Example: Country IN ('Mexico', 'Netherlands')

Will be shown as Contains any “Mexico” or “Netherlands” in the UI.


Netherlands → True

Mexico → True

Empty → False

France → False

Netherlandsx → False

Properties can contain multiple values; timeline rollups use only the first value unless the property is flagged as "multi-value."

Netherlands, Mexico → True

France, Netherlands → False

Netherlands, France → True

Does not equal Text

Does not contain any of the given values (exact matching. Case-insensitive) (NOT IN (value1, value2, ...)).

Example: Country NOT IN ('Mexico', 'Netherlands')

Will be shown as Does not contain any “Mexico” OR “Netherlands” in the UI.

Netherlands → False

Mexico → False

Empty → True

France → True

Francex → True

Properties can contain multiple values; timeline rollups use only the first value unless the property is flagged as "multi-value."

Netherlands, Mexico → False

France, Netherlands → True

Netherlands, France → False

Between Date

The date is between two fixed dates (>= and <=). It is inclusive. The second date is interpreted as midnight when the day ends.


For example, >= 2024-03-28 AND <= 2024-03-28 will match for all events that occurred on March 28.

Properties can contain multiple values; timeline rollups use only the first value unless the property is flagged as "multi-value."

March 28 23:59:59 999, March 29 23:59:59 999 → True

March 29 23:59:59 999, March 28 23:59:59 999 → False

Before Date

The date is before or at a fixed date in time (<=). The date is interpreted as midnight when the day ends.


(event value) (operator) (condition value) → Event matches condition

2024-03-28 23:59:59 999 <= 2024-03-27 → False

2024-03-28 23:59:59 999 <= 2024-03-28 → True

2024-03-28 23:59:59 999 <= 2024-03-29 → True

Properties can contain multiple values; timeline rollups use only the first value unless the property is flagged as "multi-value."

2024-03-28 23:59:59 999, 2024-03-27 23:59:59 999<= 2024-03-27 → False

2024-03-27 23:59:59 999, 2024-03-28 23:59:59 999 <= 2024-03-27 → True

After Date

The date is after a fixed date in time (>=). The date is interpreted as midnight when the day starts.


(event value) (operator) (condition value) → Event matches condition

2024-03-28 00:00:00 000 >= 2024-03-27 → True

2024-03-28 00:00:00 000 >= 2024-03-28 → True

2024-03-28 00:00:00 000>= 2024-03-29 → False

Properties can contain multiple values; timeline rollups use only the first value unless the property is flagged as "multi-value."

Within last Date

The date is within the last x days, including today.

  • Start: Go back to midnight (UTC) and then subtract the given number of days.
  • End: Now

For example, if it is March 28 2024 4pm when the condition is evaluated, and the condition is “Last 3 days”, it includes values between March 25 00:00 and March 28 4PM (UTC). 

If you select the operator “Within last”, a number input field and the text "calendar days (UTC)" will appear. Here you must enter a number of 1 or more calendar days (UTC).

See an example showing how BlueConic handles relative dates for processing a rollup

About UTC dates:
For details on UTC dates, see the UTC days section of the Hourly segment filters article.



After you select a timeline event type in the query builder, you can identify the timeline data you'd like to store in a profile property. Start by selecting a property of the timeline event type from which you'd like to retrieve values. Depending on the data type, you can select a mapping operator (e.g. count, sum, etc.)

Next you choose where to store the value. You can choose to create a new profile property or select an existing one. 

Why certain profile properties are disabled and cannot be mapped

Certain profile properties cannot be mapped here, including properties that:

  • Are already being used by other rollups.
  • Have an incompatible data type (because integers can't be mapped to email fields, for example).
  • Have an incompatible level of data sensitivity (because PII data cannot be mapped to a non-PII profile property).

If you begin typing the name of an existing property that is incompatible, that property appears as a disabled option with the specific reason it cannot be selected.


Why certain operators are not allowed with certain properties

You can select one or more mappings based on sub-properties of the same nested property (in the timeline event type property selector). A nested property contains individual sub-properties, while a normal property has no sub-properties.

To prevent unexpected results, BlueConic does not allow:

  • The operators Count/Sum/Average on a normal property in combination with ANY sub-property mapping.
  • The operators Count/Sum/Average on a sub-property in combination with ANY sub-property of another nested property.

For example, you have a timeline event type with these properties:

  • Normal property (A)
  • Nested property (B)
    • Sub-property (B.1)
    • Sub-property (B.2)
  • Nested property (C)
    • Sub-property (C.1)

Allowed: A mapping of SUM(B.1) with a mapping of SUM(B.2), since they are sub-properties of the same nested property.

Not Allowed: A mapping of SUM(A) with a mapping of SUM(B.1), since you have a normal property combined with a sub-property.

Allowed: A mapping of MIN(A) with a mapping of MIN(B.1), since you're using the Minimum operator and not Count, Sum, or Average.

Not Allowed: A mapping of SUM(B.1) with a mapping of SUM(C.1), since they are sub-properties of different nested properties.

Mapping operators

Some values have mapping operators available for constructing queries. When you select "All values" you cannot select any of the other operators in the Mapping section of the same rollup and vice versa.

Note: If a timeline event property contains multiple values, the rollup uses all those values as long as that property is flagged as "multi-value." You can have any property flagged as multi-value by contacting BlueConic Support. (Make sure that Support has access to your tenant and the 'Timeline event rollups' permission is enabled for Support through the Roles page.)

If a property is NOT flagged as multi-value, then the rollup uses only the first value.

The following properties are multi-value by default:

  • Order event type > Tag property
  • Order event type > Product property > Product tag subproperty
  • Order event type > Product property > Product category subproperty
  • Order refund event type > Product property > Product category subproperty
  • Abandoned basket event type > Product property > Product category subproperty
Mapping operator Data type Description
Count Event type, Number, Decimal, Text, Date

The number of values for the given property of the matching events (non-distinct) (COUNT). 

For example:

When two event properties have the value "A", it is counted as 2

When a multi-valued text event property has two values (e.g. “A”, “B”), it is counted as 2.

When there are no events of the selected event type (any more), the query won’t run and the result is EMPTY.

When there are events of the selected event type, but no events match the conditions, the result is 0.

Sum Number, Decimal

The sum of the values of the selected property of the matching events (SUM).


Empty → 0

1 → 1

1, 2 → 3

3, 1, 2 → 6

When there are no events of the selected event type (any more), the query won’t run and the result is EMPTY. 

When there are events, but they do not have a value for this property, the result is 0. This is different from some other languages, such as MySQL, that return NULL instead of 0.

Minimum Number, Decimal

The minimum value of any of the matching events (MIN).


Empty → Empty

1 → 1

1, 2 → 1

3, 1, 2 → 1

Maximum Number, Decimal

The maximum value of any of the matching events (MAX).


Empty → Empty

1 → 1

1, 2 → 2

3, 1, 2 → 3

Last Date

The most recent date (MAX).


Empty → Empty

2023-01-01 → 2023-01-01

2023-01-01, 2023-01-02 → 2023-01-02

2023-01-01, 2023-01-01 → 2023-01-01

First Date

The oldest date (MIN).


Empty → Empty

2023-01-01 → 2023-01-01

2023-01-01, 2023-01-02 → 2023-01-01

2023-01-01, 2023-01-01 → 2023-01-01

Average Number, Decimal

The average value of all the matching events (AVG).

NULL (undefined) is not taken into account. When storing the average value into a Number property, it will be rounded.


Empty → Empty

1 → 1

1, 2 → 1.5 (will be rounded to 2 when stored as Number)

3, 1, 2 → 2

3,1,NULL → 2

All values Number, Decimal, Text, Date

The distinct values of all events that match the conditions column name(s).


Empty → Empty

“Value 1” (2023-01-01) → “Value 1”

“Value 1” (2023-01-01), “Value 2” (2023-01-02) → “Value 1”, “Value 2”

“Value 1” (2023-01-01), “Value 2” (2023-01-01) → “Value 1”, “Value 2”

“Value 1” (2023-01-01), “Value 2” (2023-01-01), “Value 2” (2023-01-01) → “Value 1”, “Value 2”


In the right-hand panel, you can find statistics about your timeline event rollup, including:

  • Profiles to update: This shows the number of unique profiles that are marked for update or processing in a rollup.
  • Profiles updated: This shows the number of unique profiles that have a value for one of the rolled-up properties.
  • Last values set: This shows the last date and time this rollup set a value for one of the profile properties being updated.
    Statistics for BlueConic Timeline Rollups.png

Timing and refreshing the rollup

Timeline event rollup statistics are updated hourly automatically. You can refresh it manually for a single rollup in the Rollup detail screen in the right-hand panel. You can refresh it once every 5 minutes. If you have the screen open, and the 5 minutes have passed, you can refresh the page and the refresh button becomes active.

Click Refresh to update the rollup statistics. Profiles are marked for rollup when the rollup is created/updated, or when a timeline event is added, updated, or removed from a profile, including when the retention period has passed. This is done asynchronously as part of the existing profile index process after a profile is inactive for 5 minutes.

Timeline events in BlueConic are retained for a set period of time, depending on their priority setting (HIGH or LOW). When the retention period for timeline events ends, a related timeline rollup for the event that was removed will be recalculated.

Related items

The Related items box shows the BlueConic objects that are related to this rollup, including timeline events that provide data to the rollup as well as profile properties that will store the rolled-up values. Clicking on any of these related items opens that object in the current window. This is useful for inspecting the object's structure and contents.

Related items for timeline rollups.png

Validating your results

Once you've created a rollup, you can validate your results by creating a segment of profiles based on the resulting rollup property. In the Segments page, check to see if it's being populated with profiles as expected. 

Validate orders rollup.png

Another way to validate a rollup is to open the Profiles tab in BlueConic, and view profiles by Segment, choosing a Segment populated with profiles from your rollup. Inspect individual profiles and their timelines to see if the values of the rollup match the timeline events that make up the rollup.

Validate 2.png


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