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General Settings

In the BlueConic navigation bar, choose BlueConic Settings > General to define general settings for your BlueConic installation. In the General Settings page, you'll find details and usage metrics for your subscription, as well as features related to managing your BlueConic settings and your tenant.

Learn more: Visit BlueConic University

BlueConic University Logo.svgSee the BlueConic Subscription Usage video in the BlueConic University.

Your BlueConic subscription metrics

This section shows the numbers in your BlueConic subscription for the different types of activity in the platform. 

BlueConic usage metrics

  • Data operations refers to the monthly volume of read/write operations generated within your instance of BlueConic by (for example) dialogues, connections, listeners, collectors, API calls, profile merges, recommendations, and AI Workbench notebooks as measured by BlueConic.
  • Data traffic shows the monthly volume of network traffic attributable to your instance of BlueConic, generated by (for example) connections, API calls, recommendations, images, HTML, and JavaScript, and excluding internally generated network traffic as measured by BlueConic.
  • Data storage means the total amount of data related to the main objects of the BlueConic Service (e.g. profiles, groups, and events) stored by your instance of BlueConic in any given month during the Term as measured by BlueConic on the last day of the month.
  • Channels in BlueConic are the communication domains BlueConic customers use to communicate online with their audiences, including websites, mobile applications, social media accounts, etc. Your current average number of channels in use over the past 90 days at any particular time is reported here.
  • Users refers to the number of users authorized to access the BlueConic cloud service with their assigned username and password.
  • Active profiles are defined as the average number of active profiles identified within BlueConic, within which one or more of the Channels supported by the Service is active. An active profile is defined as a profile having at least two requests from one client to the server running BlueConic in the last 90 days.
  • Identifiable profiles means the number of profiles, dormant or engaged, that contain one or more unique personal identifiers (for example, an email address, customer ID, login credentials, and/or account number).
  • Engaged profiles refers to your traffic limit measured as the number of visitors, identifiable or anonymous, that have actively engaged with one or more of your channels. Active engagement is defined as having at least two requests from a unique client (such as a web browser or mobile app) to BlueConic in the previous thirty (30) days.
  • Profiles under management means the 365-day rolling average of the number of profiles (both dormant or engaged profiles, and anonymous or identifiable) stored in your instance of BlueConic during the Term, as measured by BlueConic. For example, to calculate the 365-day rolling average, the total number of profiles stored on a daily basis by BlueConic from the past 365 days are added up and the result is divided by 365. Dates are measured based on 00:00 UTC.
  • Firehose traffic metrics show the monthly volume of network traffic attributable to your instance of BlueConic that were generated by Firehose connections.
  • Recommendation stores shows the total number of stores that contain products or content items to be recommended by BlueConic. Each store is created by either a Product Collector or Content Collector connection.
  • Number of shown recommendations represents the number of API calls done to BlueConic to retrieve one or more links to recommended content items or products as measured by BlueConic in the previous thirty (30) days.

The Subscription column shows metrics for components that might have an impact on your license; the number is the maximum amount you can use each month for that component. Components that not likely to be related to your license fee show an asterisk. See your latest BlueConic contract to see which of the Components in the table impact your license fee.

Usage metrics for data operations

For metrics showing your data operations, data traffic, and data storage, clicking on the monthly metric opens a window with details showing how this number is composed.

How do I track my BlueConic usage metrics for data operations, data traffic, and data storage metrics for my subscription and BlueConic contract?

Note that some usage metrics may affect your BlueConic subscription. Contact your Account Manager if you have questions about your usage metrics.

You can also view BlueConic Insights and the BlueConic Home tab to see other detailed information about your BlueConic installation.

Email Settings

In the Email Settings section, you can enter an email address for BlueConic to use as the "From" email for alerts and verification emails from BlueConic. For example, BlueConic will use this email address as the Default mail sender for sending:

  • Verification codes for "Two-Step Authentication" for BlueConic accounts
  • Status updates and emails for establishing first-party BlueConic hostnames
  • Notifications for successful or failed runs of AI Workbench python notebooks and BlueConic connections
  • Emails containing BlueConic insight dashboards for reporting your results
  • Notifications from the Channel wizard and onboarding instructions for adding the BlueConic script to your site
  • Emails when a new BlueConic user is created 

The BlueConic Authentication process sends a unique verification code to each user, which they must enter in order to be allowed to log in to BlueConic. In the Default email sender field, enter the email address that should appear in the "From" field of email messages sent to users with their verification codes. If you leave this field blank, the "From" email address that users see is "". However, we strongly recommend that you enter the email address of the person at your site responsible for managing users in BlueConic. This lets your BlueConic users easily contact the person who can help them access BlueConic in case of a problem.

The email address you enter here must be known to the Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES). After you click Save, the email address is sent to Amazon SES. If the address is unknown to Amazon SES, the email address will receive an email from Amazon SES asking for confirmation of the registration. To confirm, you will need access to the email address. You will only need to perform this procedure once.

Profile cleanup

In the Profile cleanup section, you can create rules that determine when profiles are removed from the BlueConic database. You can create flexible, custom rules using several factors: based on a specific period of inactivity, or by adding criteria based on one or more empty profile properties. Any current or future customer profile that matches a cleanup rule is removed. Profile cleanup does not happen at a specific time — it is a continuous process.

Example: In the cleanup rule shown here, a profile would have to be inactive for over 120 days, not have any unique identifiers, and have an empty value for the Permission level profile property.

How to create customer profile cleanup rules in BlueConic

System-defined default cleanup rules

Note that BlueConic applies a default profile cleanup rule to old profiles that do not have a known unique identifier. The system-defined cleanup rule removes any profile that has a very old (>400 days) last visited date (or no last visited date), and no values for a unique identifier profile property. This default profile cleanup rule cannot be edited or changed.

How to create profile cleanup rules

To create a cleanup rule, follow these steps:

  1. Click Add profile cleanup rule.
  2. Create a name for the cleanup rule.
  3. Select one or more conditions to select profiles to be purged. 
  4. Optional: Enter the number of days in the inactive days input field. This is the number of days that the profile must be inactive in order to satisfy the rule and trigger a cleanup. The start time of the period of inactivity is the profile's last visited date/time. 
  5. Optional: To prevent the rule from purging identifiable profiles, select the 'Are not identifiable profiles' option.
  6. Optional: Use the empty value option to specify that a profile must not have a value for one or more profile properties. For this example, the rule will purge profiles that are not active subscribers:
    To the right of the cleanup rule, you can see the number of profiles that will be affected along with the percentage of the total number of visitor profiles this represents. 
    If the cleanup rule would purge more than 1% of your total number of profiles, the number of profiles affected and the percentage of the total appear in red to warn you that the rule will affect a significant number of profiles. 
  7. Optional: Use the 'Meet the profile criteria' option to use filtering conditions to select a set of profiles to be purged. 
    How to monitor profile cleanup rules in BlueConic
  8. Click Save.
    A pop-up window appears to confirm whether to delete the number of profiles in the cleanup statistics. The cleanup rule is saved. The number of profiles affected will no longer be shown. 

Notes on profile cleanup rules

  • Cleanup rules are irreversible, and they apply to current and future profiles.
  • If you create more than one cleanup rule, they have an "OR" relationship with each other which means that multiple rules can be in force at the same time.
  • Note that cleanup actions are irreversible, so be sure to check the number and percent of profiles affected by the rules you set up.
  • To delete a cleanup rule, hover the mouse over it and click the Delete icon that appears to the right of the rule.

See Profile cleanup for more information. Contact your Customer Success Manager if you need assistance creating cleanup rules.

Learn more: Visit BlueConic University

BlueConic University Logo.svgSee the Profile Cleanup video in the BlueConic University.

Installation and legal information

Here you find information about your BlueConic installation.

  • The Installation section shows the BlueConic server cluster that houses your installation of BlueConic. Click the view status link to see the status of all BlueConic systems, including your server cluster (for example, "Cluster US 1").
  • Click Third-party software licenses to download the licenses of third-party software that BlueConic uses.
  • Click the link to read the privacy statement.

System status and software updates

Note that BlueConic provides real-time status updates on platform availability and scheduled maintenance at for the BlueConic platform. This page is updated continually and you can subscribe to receive status updates.

Software and maintenance updates are announced on the BlueConic platform status page 7 days in advance; you can subscribe to receive alerts in advance of any updates to your server cluster.

Priority Settings

See Priority Settings for all details.

Language Settings

See Language Settings for all details.

Group Settings

See Creating and managing groups for information on creating and using groups in BlueConic, for example to group profiles by accounts, companies, or households.

To create a new BlueConic group type, click Add group type, enter a name (both singular and plural forms), and select an icon to represent this type in the BlueConic user interface. Once you save your settings, you can create one or more profile properties that align with that group type.

Account Settings

See the BlueConic User Account Settings page for details on other BlueConic settings for your user account.


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