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Tracking metrics for views, clicks, and conversions
Updated over 2 months ago

BlueConic tracks a deep set of marketing metrics to help you track dialogue views, clicks, and conversions.

You can customize your data collection via BlueConic Dialogues, Listeners, and Connections. Using the Dialogues Table insight, you can find statistics for unique or total views, unique or total clicks, and direct and indirect conversions, as well as dozens of custom-configured ratios. The Variants Table insight extends this list of metrics and ratios to provide lift ratios showing how variants are performing against related dialogues.

For details on configuring and using the insights see the Dialogues Table insight and Variants Table insight pages.

How BlueConic counts marketing metrics for dialogues and variants

For each dialogue (and all variants of the dialogue), BlueConic tracks views, clicks, and conversions that can directly be attributed the the dialogue itself. In addition, the following metrics are tracked and stored for each dialogue and variant — along with custom ratios and lift ratios:

  • Views: Total views. To count views, BlueConic tracks the number of times a BlueConic dialogue or variant is shown to a visitor (profile) on one of your BlueConic channels.

  • Unique views*: The number of unique profiles that have viewed the dialogue for the first time during the time frame measured in the BlueConic insight.

  • Clicks: Total clicks

  • Unique clicks*: The number of profiles that have clicked this dialogue for the first time during the time frame measured in the insight.

  • Direct conversions: The number of total conversions that can be directly attributed to views or clicks in the dialogue itself (as opposed to indirect conversions described below).

  • Unique direct conversions*: The number of profiles that had a direct conversion for this dialogue for the first time during the time frame measured in the insight.

  • Indirect conversions: Indirect conversions track additional content or dialogues someone viewed or interacted with before ultimately triggering a conversion. For example, if someone views or clicks in dialogue A -- and ultimately converts in dialogue B -- then dialogue A is counted as an indirect conversion.

  • Unique indirect conversions*: The number of profiles that caused an indirect conversion to be counted for this dialogue, for the first time for each profile during the time frame measured in the insight.

  • Total conversions: The sum of direct and indirect conversions.

  • Unique total conversions*: The number of unique profiles that had either their first indirect or a direct conversion for this dialogue during the time frame measured in the insight. The number might be lower than the sum of "Unique direct conversions" and "Unique indirect conversions" because one profile might have triggered an indirect and a direct conversion for one dialogue.

What's the difference between direct and indirect conversions?

The following example shows a user clicking through several dialogues in the path to signing up for a subscription. The conversion moment is defined as signing up for a subscription, clicking the dark blue box. When the user arrives on the "Thank you" page, the direct conversion is attributed to Click #3. Here's how BlueConic attributes conversions in the illustration below:

  1. The user clicks dialogue 1, sees the dark blue subscription box but doesn't convert.
    Click #1 counts as an indirect conversion.

  2. The user clicks dialogue 2, but there is no conversion moment present.
    Click #2 doesn't count for conversions.

  3. The user clicks the dark blue subscription box in dialogue 3 and converts.
    Click #3 gets credit for the direct conversion.

The count for total conversions is 2 (1 indirect conversion + 1 direct conversion). Only one page in the conversion flow (the last one viewed or clicked before conversion) can get credit for a direct conversion.

How do I track marketing metrics for views, clicks, and conversions in BlueConic?

Custom ratios and lift ratios

In the dialogue and variants table insights, you can combine these metrics to create dozens of custom ratios and for variants, lift ratios that compare dialogue performance. Learn more about the Dialogues Table Insight and the Variants Table Insight.

* Counting unique vs. total metrics

Unique metrics differ from total metrics because they count the unique visitor profiles that click, view, or convert, counting a single profile only once even if that person viewed, clicked, or converted on a dialogue more than once.

How timing works for unique views

Note that unique views, clicks, and conversions count only the profiles having their first view, click, or conversion during the time period measure in the insight. For example: Say profile A viewed your page 60 days ago, and then visited the page again 10 days ago. If your insight measures unique views for the past 30 days, profile A will not be counted as a unique view. This is because profile A's first view (their only unique view) was before the insight's 30-day period. Their second view occurred during the 30-day span the insight measures, but because it was not their first view, it does not count as a "unique view."

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