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Variants Insight
Updated over 3 months ago

Place the Variants insight in a BlueConic dashboard to show a graph with multiple lines, each representing a variant of the selected dialogue. These dialogue variants can be compared on views, clicks, conversions, or one of the three corresponding ratios or lift ratios.

The Dialogue Variants insight and its controls

This example shows an Insight based on the "Variants" type:

How do I see performance metrics for BlueConic dialogues, variants, and A/B tests?

Configuring the Variants insight

How to see how BlueConic dialogue variants are performing for optimized dialogues and A/B testing

Dashboard time period settings

The insight takes the time period setting of the dashboard into account. This is indicated by the clock icon in the top left. When a time period has been selected for the dashboard the graph changes to display the variant data for the selected time period.

When a time period has been selected for the dashboard and the "Compare with previous" option has been activated, a percentage is shown to indicate the difference between the variant data of the current period compared to the variant data of the previous period.

How to use time periods in BlueConic dashboards to visualize marketing results over time
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