The Dialogues Table insight shows a range of marketing metrics to help you measure your success in BlueConic. In addition to tracking total views, clicks, and direct conversions, BlueConic also tracks the following statistics, along with custom ratios for every dialogue that fits your filter criteria:
Unique views: The number of profiles that have viewed the dialogue.
Unique clicks: The number of profiles that have clicked the dialogue.
Indirect conversions: The dialogue gets a +1 count each time this dialogue is one of the contestants to win a conversion but loses to the dialogue that wins a direct conversion. (Only one dialogue can get credit for a direct conversion -- the dialogue where the conversion occurs.)
Total conversions: The sum of direct and indirect conversions.
Unique direct conversions: The number of profiles that caused a direct conversion to be counted for this dialogue.
Unique indirect conversions: The number of profiles that caused an indirect conversion to be counted for this dialogue.
Unique total conversions: The number of profiles that caused either an indirect or a direct conversion for this dialogue.
If you are running variants of dialogues, you can also choose to see the lift of these ratios against the original, comparing the variant(s) to the original dialogue. See Metrics for views, clicks, and conversions for information on marketing metrics.
The Dialogues Table insight and its controls
You can use the Dialogues Table insight to see how well your dialogues are performing.
Here's an example insight showing views, clicks, direct conversions, and related ratios for three content dialogues.
Adding and configuring the insight
From the Insights menu, create a dashboard, select the Add insight button, and choose the Dialogues Table insight from the gallery. Select Configure this insight to choose the dialogues and metrics to display.
Viewing lift ratios
In the Dialogues Table configuration settings, under Table columns, you choose from dozens of lift ratios to display. For dialogues that have variants, displaying lift metrics shows how the variants performed (as a group) against the original content. Ratios for dialogues and variants that are turned off show as - .
Viewing dialogue metrics over time
BlueConic Insights are contained in Dashboards. The Dialogues Table insight takes the time period setting of the dashboard into account. This is indicated by the clock icon in the top left corner. Use the dropdown menu to choose a time period.
When you have selected a time period for the dashboard and then select "Compare with previous period," the current and previous values are shown for every column, as well as the difference between the current and previous time periods.