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Ensighten Connection
Updated over 2 months ago

What: The Ensighten Connection can feed segment or profile data from BlueConic to Ensighten by pushing data into an existing data layer (JavaScript object) or creating a new data layer specifically for this purpose.

Why: Use this connection to share first-party data out to the stack for your known and anonymous users, whether it was collected by BlueConic or integrated through another BlueConic connection. For the connection to work, you must have set up the Ensighten tag on your pages.

Configuring an Ensighten connection

Configuration takes the following options:

How to connect your marketing customer data using the Ensighten Connection in BlueConic

Object Attributes

Under "Object Attributes" the connection between Ensighten variables and BlueConic values can be established. Click the button Add Object Attribute to add a new rule. To remove an existing object attribute, hover over it and click the delete icon on the right of the line.

Connection Status

The logos at the top of the page provide an overview of the connection status:


There is an arrow going from BlueConic to Ensighten, meaning data is being exported. Also, the arrow is green which means the connection is ready to go.

Privacy management

Connections can be added to Objectives, allowing for privacy management of the information that is being picked up. A connection will only process the profiles of visitors who have consented to at least one of the objectives that the connection is linked to.

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