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Optimizely Connection
Updated over 3 weeks ago
How to connect Optimizely audiences with BlueConic segments

What: The Optimizely connection allows you to synchronize BlueConic segments with Optimizely audiences and/or configure custom variables to send to Optimizely.

Why: Some test results will be more meaningful when the audience is targeted, instead of testing against a random sample of all users. BlueConic can add another layer of rich behavioral data to Optimizely's existing audience-building capabilities.

For the connection to work, you must have set up the Optimizely tag on your pages. Additionally, the option "Expose the segments that the visitor is part of" on the Privacy Settings tab in BlueConic must be enabled.

Important note for Optimizely X users: the 'Audience mapping' functionality will not work when using Optimizely X. You will have to use 'Custom Attributes' to push data into Optimizely X profile attributes and create an audience using those attributes.

Configuring the connection

Configuration takes the following options:

How to synchronize BlueConic profiles with Optimizely audience data

Audience Mapping

Click Add Audience to Segment Mapping to add a new mapping from a BlueConic segment to an Optimizely Audience ID. Visitors will be assigned to audiences in Optimizely based on the BlueConic segments they are associated with. When a visitor is no longer associated with a segment, they will be automatically removed from the audience.

Hover over an audience mapping and click the delete icon on the right to delete it. Audience Mapping options:

Custom Dimensions

Click Add Custom Dimension to add a new custom dimension. Hover over a custom dimension and click the delete icon on the right to delete it. Custom dimension options:

Connection Status

The logos at the top of the page provide an overview of the connection status. When the green arrow appears between BlueConic to Optimizely, the connection is working and data can be exported.

Privacy management

Connections can be added to Objectives, allowing for privacy management of the information that is being picked up. A connection will only process the profiles of visitors who have consented to at least one of the objectives that the connection is linked to.

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