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BlueConic Connections Overview
Updated over 2 months ago

BlueConic Connections let you integrate your customer profile data with your existing data sources such as point-of sale systems, CRM systems, email service providers, and more. Central to the BlueConic customer data platform is the ability to connect with your other data sources to synchronize customer data.

How to find a list of all BlueConic Connections

BlueConic offers dozens of connections to import and/or export data to other systems that house your data. See the list of all current BlueConic connections, integrations, and connectors on our website.

How BlueConic Connections are configured

For connections that connect BlueConic with another system, the setup is typically done in configuration of the connection itself. See the documentation for each of the BlueConic connections for instructions on how to set up a working connection.

In the case of another system wanting to access the BlueConic REST API:

Creating a new connection

The BlueConic Connections tab is the central place where all connections between BlueConic and other systems (CRM systems, CMS systems, authentication systems, etc.) are configured. When you enter the Connections tab for the first time, you see the existing connections navigation list. This list displays connections that are configured in your environment:


To add a new connection, click the Add connection button to select the type of connection from the gallery:


Search and select the type of connection that you want to add, and click it to start configuring it.

The list only shows the types of connections currently installed in BlueConic. Activate "Show all" to see all types of connections that are available in the Plugins Gallery. Selecting a new connection will automatically install it in BlueConic.

There is also the option to have the BlueConic help you set up connections. Click the link to fire up the Connection Discovery wizard.

Scheduling a connection

Connections between BlueConic and other systems can be instant or they can run a scheduled batch job. This depends on the type of connection. Note: Some connections, such as the Data Layer Connection, are active when you configure them and turn them on; no Run now or schedule is required for these connections.

How to schedule BlueConic connection runs

You can access a connection's schedule settings by opening the Set up and run panel on the left. Scroll down to Run history and you will find a Run now and cogwheel icon on the right. Click the cogwheel icon to open the scheduling settings.

How do I schedule import and export connections between BlueConic and Salesforce, Facebook, Amazon S3, SFTP, and other systems?

First, choose the type of schedule you want. There are four options:

  • Number of times per day - Select this option if you want to run the connection a fixed number of times per day. Select the number of times that you require the connection to be run. Switch the connection to "ON" and save to kick off the first run.

  • Days of the week - Select the option "Days of the week" if your schedule is supposed to run the task on certain weekdays at a fixed time.

  • Day of the month - Select this option to set a schedule that runs once per month on a given day at a given time. Select the day number and set the time at which the task should run.

  • Weekday of the month - Select this option to set a schedule that runs once per month on a given weekday at a given time. Select the day and the time at which the task should run.

Depending on the choice you make, you will have to fill in some extra data to complete the schedule. Be mindful of the amount of time that a task will take and make sure not to set a scheduling time that is shorter.

Once you have set up your schedule the runs will show up in the Run history table, including details on each run.

How to troubleshoot BlueConic Connections

Connections will run sequentially in BlueConic. This means that sometimes a planned run will have to wait for another run to complete. When this happens, BlueConic will show the queued connections and the currently running connection.

Interpreting the run history table

The time shown in the run history table is based on the local timezone of the user who is configuring the schedule. This ensures that all scheduled activities are aligned with that user's local time.


Terms for interpreting the run history log:

  • Unchanged: An update was sent to BlueConic, but nothing was changed as a result (e.g. the values in the profile from the imported file are the same as those in the profile)

  • Checked: Total number of profiles evaluated

  • Skipped: Profiles that were in the file but were not sent to BlueConic for evaluation (i.e. lines that were skipped in a file because the data was processed in a previous run)

Note that the Run history shows the number of profiles exported via batch exports. For real-time data exports, the number of profiles does not appear in the connection's Run history section.

Tip: If a particular run of your connection has failed, the run history log of the connection may be able to provide additional detail as to why. To download the run log, hover over a particular entry in the Run history table and click the download icon that appears.

Stopping a running connection

For batch connections, you can stop an active run by clicking the Stop run button for that connection.

Stopping a running connection.png

For real-time connections, you would turn the connection status to Off to stop it from running.

Changing the metadata of a connection


A connection can be switched 'On' or 'Off' with the On/Off toggle to the right of the name of the connection. If the connection is switched off, the connection will not be triggered for visitors of your channels. You can enable or disable a connection by changing the status.

How to resolve a connection failure, connection error, connection mistake, connection problem in BlueConic


You can change the name of the connection by clicking on the name and editing it.


By clicking the favorites icon you can add or remove the connection from the Favorites.


By selecting one or more labels for a connection, you make navigating to items with the same label really easy. Once you've selected a label for a connection, click on the label: a dropdown menu opens that lists all other items with the same label. Clicking an item will navigate you to the clicked item.


Use the Description field to add details about how the connection is used. It will appear alongside the Connection name to help you and your colleagues keep track of how each connection is used.


At the top of the connection configuration page for batch connections, in the metadata section, you can request that BlueConic notify one or more email addresses when the connection is run or fails to run.


Choosing channels for a connection

Some BlueConic connections offer an option in the Setup and run page where you can select the channels on which you want the connection to be active. You select a channel by entering a few characters of that channel in the search box. Channels that match your criteria will appear in a list to select from. If needed, you can also open the advanced search to find the right channel. By default, connections are running on all channels.


If you want to fine-tune the scope of the connection on a channel, you first need to select the channel. Once the channel is selected you can add 'rules' to limit the scope of the connection within the channel.

How do I set up and use connections between the BlueConic customer data platform and other systems?

The number of restrictions in a channel is mentioned behind the channel, and can be viewed and edited by clicking on it.

Checking the connection status

BlueConic connections provide status information on whether the connection is configured and ready to exchange data with another system (either by import or export or both). Connections control the way data flows between BlueConic and other systems. The icon of a connection shows you an overview of the status of the connection at a glance:

  • It shows the way data flows.

    How to use BlueConic connections
  • It shows whether data is flowing.

    How do I check the status of a BlueConic connection?
  • It notes configuration errors.

    How do I tell if a BlueConic connection is running OK or if there's an error?
  • It notes whether or not errors have occurred exchanging data.

    How do I synchronize customer profile data with the rest of my martech or marketing stack?

Related items

In the right-hand sidebar, the "related items" widget is displayed. It shows the other objects in BlueConic that are directly related to the connection that you are managing.

Connections can have the following types of related items:

  • Plugin: The plugin on which this connection is based.

  • Channels: The channels on which this connection is active.

Removing a connection

  1. Navigate to the Connections tab from the BlueConic navigation menu.

  2. Search for the connection by name among your existing connections.
    Note: In the Columns dropdown, select the Plugin field to display a list of connection instances and the plugin that created them.

    How to remove BlueConic connection plugins
  3. Open each instance of the connection, click the dropdown arrow to the right of the Save button, and select Delete.

Warning: If you delete a connection instance, it cannot be restored.

Tips for running connections

There are several steps you need to take to run any BlueConic connection:

  1. A connection will only run after it is properly authenticated.

  2. A connection needs to have at least one goal set up

  3. You need to turn the connection on. A connection is turned on when the toggle next to the connection name is switched to green.

  4. Depending on the system you're connecting to, you may need a valid user account in the system you're importing/exporting data with.

Authentication steps

  1. Double check all spelling and permissions. For example, when using domains or IP addresses, make sure they are typed correctly and are accessible outside of your internal network. This may mean disconnecting from a VPN, connecting to another network, or using a different device when confirming the accessibility of the resource.

  2. Make sure the user running the connection has permission to read/write a configured file or directory.

  3. The BlueConic external IP address must be added to your internal allow list for certain firewall configurations.

Unique identifiers

BlueConic matches profiles with data in an external system based on matching unique identifiers. If there are values stored in a profile property before you activate the "Is unique identifier" checkbox, and you plan to use these values for matching, contact your Customer Success Manager for assistance.

When you configure multiple link identifiers for an import goal, BlueConic uses OR logic for matching identifiers -- meaning that one or the other identifier should match. It does not require that both identifiers match.

Running connections and connecting with other servers

  1. Make sure you are familiar with the number of concurrent connections your server can handle for a given IP address or for a given user. You may need to increase the overall maximum concurrent connections allowed or use a different server entirely as the one you’re using could be overloaded. Scheduling around your server’s peak times can help as well.

  2. Check that all algorithms used to authenticate and encrypt your connection agree between the server and the client.

File previewing

Within a connection that allows files to be accessed, you cannot use the file preview feature if PGP encryption is enabled during authentication. You will still be unable to preview files via the connection if you disable PGP encryption at a later time. This is the expected behavior if PGP encryption is enabled at any time for a connection.

If you no longer want PGP encryption enabled and want to be able to use the file preview feature moving forward, it is recommended to create a brand new connection.

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