BlueConic CSV connections enable you to exchange customer data via CSV files. See the best practices for CSV files for tip, as well as this troubleshooting advice for using CSV files with BlueConic connections.
All CSV files must be valid, and the structure must match the file and field handling configuration as configured in the connection goal.
It’s best to upload CSV files straight from the system they were created on. Emailing and transferring CSVs across devices, operating systems, and platforms can result in unexpected changes to the file.
Do not open the CSV in Excel and save it. This may result in changes to the file that can cause the connection to fail.
Refer to the tips in Best practices for exchanging data via CSV files in BlueConic.
See the deep dive into how authentication works for CSV connections.
Getting help with Connections
If you’ve followed these troubleshooting steps and still encounter a connection failure, contact BlueConic Support at [email protected].