Can't seem to get your connection to work properly? Here are some tips and tricks to help you figure out what might be going wrong.
Tips for running BlueConic Connections
General steps to check for all connections
There are several steps you need to take to run any BlueConic connection:
A connection will only run after it is properly authenticated.
A connection needs to have at least one goal set up
You need to turn the connection on.
A connection is turned on when the toggle next to the connection name is switched to green.Depending on the system you're connecting to, you may need a valid user account in the system you're importing/exporting data with.
Authentication steps
Double check all spelling and permissions:
For example, when using domains or IP addresses, make sure they are typed correctly and are accessible outside of your internal network. This may mean disconnecting from a VPN, connecting to another network, or using a different device when confirming the accessibility of the resource.
Make sure the user running the connection has permission to read/write a configured file or directory.
The BlueConic external IP address must be added to your internal allow list for certain firewall configurations.
Unique identifiers
BlueConic matches profiles with data in an external system based on matching unique identifiers. If there are values stored in a profile property before you activate the "Is unique identifier" checkbox, and you plan to use these values for matching, contact your Customer Success Manager for assistance.
Matching identifiers with other systems
When you configure multiple link identifiers for an import goal, BlueConic uses OR logic for matching identifiers -- meaning that one or the other identifier should match. It does not require that both identifiers match.
Running connections and connecting with other servers
Make sure you are familiar with the number of concurrent connections your server can handle for a given IP address or for a given user.
You may need to increase the overall maximum concurrent connections allowed or use a different server entirely as the one you’re using could be overloaded. Scheduling around your server’s peak times can help as well.
Check that all algorithms used to authenticate and encrypt your connection agree between the server and the client.
Connection run logs
If a particular run of your connection has failed, the run log of the connection may be able to provide additional detail as to why the connection failed. To download the run log, hover over a particular entry in the Run history table and click the download icon that appears.
Web-based connections use domain-based edit rights. These edit rights are limited to the specific BlueConic domain(s) that the user who created the connection has access to (via BlueConic Settings > Users) and cannot be updated or changed.
Deep Dive on Checking the Connection Run History
For a technical deep dive into running BlueConic connections, see the Checking a Connection's Run History page (Help Center login required).
Getting help with Connections
If you’ve followed these troubleshooting steps and still encounter a connection failure, contact BlueConic Support at [email protected].