BlueConic Connections let you integrate your customer profile data with your existing data sources such as point-of sale systems, CRM systems, email service providers, and more. Using BlueConic Connections for data integration helps you make the most of your customer profile data.
What are BlueConic connections?
Connections are data integrations between BlueConic and over 80 marketing systems, ESPs, CRMs, and big data systems. You can use BlueConic connections in a number of ways:
Unify your customer profile data by importing or exporting data from your marketing stack
Employ BlueConic profile data in your marketing stack or ESP for messaging, recommendations, promotions, personalized content, and more
Use BlueConic segments to create audiences for ad tech, messaging, or promotions
Synchronize customer data with your CRM, ESP, ecommerce, or marketing platforms
Stream events and data via firehose connections to big data systems and data lakes
With universal connections, exchange customer order data, events, and transactions with other data source
Learn more: Visit BlueConic University
See the Introduction to Connections video in the BlueConic University.
Data imports with BlueConic Connections
To import data into BlueConic, you choose a connector to integrate data with your system(s), set up the connection, and create data import goal(s) for your data import. Here's an example:
Data exports with BlueConic Connections
To export your data from BlueConic to another system, you choose a connection that exports to your system, set it up, and create data export goal(s) for your data import. Here's an example:
Note: Depending on the external system, some bi-directional connections do both data imports and data exports. See the documentation for each connection to learn more about capabilities for data unification with BlueConic.
How to find a list of all BlueConic Connections
BlueConic offers dozens of connections to import and/or export data to other systems that house your data. See the list of all current BlueConic connections, integrations, and connectors on our website. Find documentation for BlueConic connections in the Knowledge Base How To section.
How to create and run connections in BlueConic
To create and run connections you follow these basic steps:
Choose Connections in the BlueConic navigation bar and click Add connection to see the gallery of connections.
Search for an external marketing system or type of connection (e.g., Facebook Ads, Salesforce, SFTP, or S3 connection to exchange via CSV files, etc.) to create a new connection.
Enter a name for the connection, and optionally add metadata to make it easier to find and manage connections, including getting email notifications for batch connections. See Best practices for names and labels for tips on naming them.
Add your credentials to authorize the data exchange between BlueConic and the external marketing system.
Create at least one import goal or export goal that details how to match customers' unique identifiers (email, unique ID, etc.) between platforms and how to map profile and/or event data to or from the other system. For example, you can set up profile property mappings or Timeline event mappings between BlueConic data and the customer data exchanged with external systems.
Save your changes, turn the connection on, and run the connection immediately or schedule it to run later.
See each connection's help page for step-by-step instructions to create an import goal to bring data from other system into BlueConic profiles, or to create an export goal to send BlueConic data to other systems in your martech stack..
Email notifications when a connection runs
At the top of the connection configuration page for batch connections, in the metadata section, you can request that BlueConic notify one or more email addresses when the connection is run.
See Scheduling and running connections for details.
Learn more about BlueConic connections
Get tips on scheduling and running connections.
Find best practices for exchanging profile data via CSV files.
Learn more about using unique identifiers in BlueConic.
Filter or transform data during import or export with BlueConic data processors.
Spot and fix errors based on the status of your BlueConic connections.
Use Firehose connections to stream events from BlueConic to Amazon, Microsoft, and Google event queuing systems.
Use the BlueConic Connections Overview insight to see how many profiles have been enriched or exchanged with data from other systems.
See the Troubleshooting section for help resolving common errors.