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Best practices for exchanging data via comma-separated values (CSV) files
Best practices for exchanging data via comma-separated values (CSV) files
Updated over a month ago

With the BlueConic customer data platform, you can exchange data files with other systems via CSV file format. When exchanging data via BlueConic Connections, you are going to need a file format that both you and BlueConic understand and interpret in the same way.

One of the most commonly used file formats is the comma-separated values (CSV) file format. It describes how to store table data in a file so it can be read in another platform without losing any information. Most applications and platforms support this format, including BlueConic. While the CSV definition is deceivingly simple, it also leaves a ton of room for ambiguity. This document describes best practices for working with CSV files, to help you avoid ambiguities.

Best practices for exchanging data via CSV files

Use commas for separators

The CSV file format allows you to pick any character as separator. Regardless, stick with the actual comma character (,) for separator, as most applications will be compatible with it out of the box.



8338214,[email protected],John Doe
1324114,[email protected],Jane Doe
8338214|[email protected]|John Doe
1324114|[email protected]|Jane Doe

Use double quotes for encapsulating values

Some of your values may contain comma characters. Surround these values with double quotes (") to avoid clashes with the use of commas for separators.

But what if your values contain double quotes characters? Well, follow these rules:

  • If values are not enclosed with double quotes, then double quotes may not appear inside the fields.

  • Each value that can contain a double quote, a delimited character, a carriage return/line feed, or a leading/trailing space has to be enclosed in double quotes.

  • If double-quotes are used to enclose values, then a double-quote appearing inside a value must be escaped by preceding it with another double quote ("").



8338214,[email protected],"Boston, MA"
1324114,[email protected],"San Francisco, CA"
4993027,[email protected],"New York ""Big Apple"", NY"
9223136,[email protected],"Miami, FL"
8338214,[email protected],Boston, MA
1324114,[email protected],San Francisco\, CA
4993027,[email protected],New York "Big Apple", NY
9223136,[email protected],“Miami, FL”

Note: the last line of the bad example contains so-called "smart quotes". These are not the same as regular double quotes! Make sure you don't accidentally use smart quotes to encapsulate values.

Use the exact same number of columns in every row

Your file contains table data, which means every row contains the same number of columns, even if a column is empty. Make sure you use commas to separate empty values as well, and don't skip columns.



8338214,[email protected],John Doe,02111
7882860,[email protected],,
1324114,[email protected],Jane Doe,94111
8338214,[email protected],John Doe,02111
7882860,[email protected]
1324114,[email protected],Jane Doe,94111

Use column names in the first row

Names are used to identify columns on the receiving end. Provide them in the first row of the CSV file.



8338214,[email protected],John Doe
1324114,[email protected],Jane Doe
8338214,[email protected],John Doe
1324114,[email protected],Jane Doe

Use UTF-8 as character set

Characters in CSV files are interpreted as-is. So use the actual character instead of HTML entities.



8338214,[email protected],¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1324114,[email protected],¿cómo estas?
8338214,[email protected],¯\(ツ)/¯
1324114,[email protected],¿cómo estas?

Use a spreadsheet to export CSV

Exporting your data to file from a spreadsheet application like e.g. Microsoft Excel already makes sure you adhere to the best practices mentioned above.

Be consistent

If your CSV file is one in a series of many, keep it consistent over time. In other words:

  • Use the exact same column names as the original CSV.

  • Use the exact same column order as the original CSV.

  • Use a file name similar to the original CSV; typically include a date.




8338214,[email protected],John Doe
1324114,[email protected],Jane Doe


8338214,[email protected],John Doe
1324114,[email protected],Jane Doe


4993027,[email protected],Gnu Den
9223136,[email protected],Josh Bar


4993027,Gnu Den,"New York, NY",[email protected]
9223136,Josh Bar,"Miami, FL",[email protected]

For the technical details of the CSV format, see RFC 4180.

Technical Deep Dive into BlueConic CSV Connections

For a technical deep dive into how BlueConic CSV connections work, see:

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