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Segment Discovery Insight
Updated over 2 months ago

The Segment Discovery Insight allows you to zoom in on your customer or visitor population by providing an overview of profile properties and their fill rate. By selecting specific properties and values, you can narrow down the total population to a set of individuals in a well-defined customer segment. You can then save this segment for later use in BlueConic, to drive better outcomes.

The Segment Discovery insight and its controls

The Segment Discovery insight in BlueConic consists of two parts that work together in helping you drill down to specific customer segments of your population:

  • Segment discovery chart, which shows a graphical overview of the current selection.

  • Segment creation selector, where you can narrow down the current selection.

Segment discovery

Here is an example of the Segment discovery chart:

How do I discover new customer marketing segments in the BlueConic customer data platform (CDP)?

The Segment discovery graph displays what is known about the selected part of your profile population. In the center of the graph is the number of profiles within the current selection. Around the center are rings divided into segments. Each segment represents a profile property. Hover over a particular segment to see the name of the profile properties in that ring and which percentage of the profiles have a value for the property, the "fill rate."

Interpreting the segment discovery chart

The purpose of the Segment Discovery insight is to find actionable customer segments you can use to drive better outcomes by using what you know of the individuals within those segments. Each time you narrow the audience based on the value of some profile properties, you discover new customer segments.

Note that interesting profile properties are the ones that actually have a value; without a value they are not useful at all. The fill rate is a measurement for how many profiles actually have a value for a given profile property. This means that the inner rings of the chart contain the profile properties that hold the most information, which makes them most interesting for segmentation.

To zoom in on the profiles that have a value for a certain profile property, click its segment. This is the same as adding that profile property in the Value Selector discussed next.

Segment creation selector

Here is an example of the Segment creation selector:

How to create and update dynamic customer segments for CDP use cases with BlueConic

The Segment creation selector enables you to select profile properties and set value restrictions for each selected profile property. The chart is redrawn after every modification to the selection or value restrictions.

On the left-hand side is a scrollable list of profile properties you can select from, including a search box to help you find the profile property you are looking for. Selected profile properties are displayed on top of the list.

To the right of the list of profile properties are boxes for each selected profile property, where you can set value restrictions. These restrictions work in the same way as the Segment Filters. If you want to remove a profile property from the selection, either uncheck its checkbox in the list of profile properties, or hover over the title of the profile property box and click the delete icon that appears in the top right of the box. Select Save as new segment to create a new segment based on your selections.

You can close or open the Segment creation selector using the arrow icon to the left of its name. By default, the Segment creation selector is open and the selection boxes are shown.

How do I use the Segment creation selector to create segments of first-party customer profiles in BlueConic CDP

Update Data button

How do I update customer segments in real time in BlueConic?

In some BlueConic environments, an Update Data button can be clicked to update real-time calculations in the widget. This is provided to allow multiple changes to be applied to the chart without having it re-draw in between.

Save as new segment

When you are satisfied with your selection of profiles, you can save the selection as a Segment. Select "Save as new segment" to save the selection.

How do I quickly create new behavioral customer segments in the BlueConic CDP?


Learn more about BlueConic customer segments

To learn more about customer segmentation, see Creating dynamic customer segments in BlueConic.

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