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Data Validation Insight
Updated over 3 months ago

For a quick way to validate your data set and to verify the number of profiles that meet specific criteria, use the Data Validation Insight. This insight uses your full tenant index and allows you to create new segments and store your queries based on the results.

Important note

This is a specialized plugin that is not available on all tenants out of the box. To install it, review the section Installing BlueConic plugins below.

Installing BlueConic plugins

Installing the Data Validation Insight plugin to your BlueConic tenant is the first step in using this insight. By default, this plugin is not installed in BlueConic.

To install, navigate to BlueConic settings > Plugins, click the Add plugin button at the top right, and register the external URL below.

For more detailed instructions, review the article Overview: What are BlueConic plugins? If you need further assistance, reach out to BlueConic Support.

Creating a Data Validation Insight

Use the Insights tab (More > Insights) to create Dashboards where you can place as many Insights as you want. Once you have chosen an existing Dashboard or created a new one, add the “Data Validation Insight” by clicking the Add insight button.

Once the Data Validation Insight has been added to your dashboard, you will see the number of your full index of profiles as well as a list of existing profile properties. At any time, you can click the Copy button under the total number of profiles to copy that value to your clipboard for external data storage.

Configuring the insight

To get started with the data discovery and validation process, complete the following configuration steps:

  • Select profile properties

    • To run a query on your full index of profiles in BlueConic, choose as many profile properties in the left menu as you wish. Each profile property will open up a separate box that allows you to refine that property further. For example, you can choose the “Email address” property and specify that it must not be empty. Or, you can choose a property like “Page views” or “Last visited date” to set a range of values.

  • Save query

    • If this is a query you may want to run on your dashboard frequently, you can save the query parameters to avoid configuring it again in the future by clicking the “Save query” button and giving it a name. When you use the Data Validation Insight, the saved queries will appear in a dropdown menu. Typically, data validation requires multiple iterations and running the same query over and over is necessary, so this makes it easier to configure once.

  • Save as new segment

    • Once you have applied all of your profile property queries, you can choose to save these profiles together as a segment by clicking the “Save as new segment” button. When new profiles fall into this segment criteria going forward, they will be added automatically.

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