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Behavioral Profile Properties
Updated over a week ago

Profile properties in BlueConic store customer and visitor data, such as email addresses, interests, locations, and purchase history. Beyond manually created profile properties, BlueConic also tracks user behavioral profile properties in real time, assigning numerical scores based on site activity. These behavioral scores measure factors like visit frequency, engagement intensity, and momentum (increasing or decreasing activity), allowing for easy comparison across profiles. Marketing teams can use behavioral profile properties and related segments for targeting, messaging, lead generation, and re-engagement campaigns.

Behavioral profile properties in BlueConic are unique because they:

  • Update in real time.

  • Compare across all visitor profiles.

  • Automatically adjust over time, even when a profile is offline.

  • Are calculated at the start of each visit and remain unchanged during that session.

  • Use a 0-100 scoring scale.

  • Are collected by the Global Listener.

Types of behavioral profile properties



Behavioral: Recency

This property tracks customer activity on your site, assigning a score from 0 to 100 based on the last visit. A score of 100 means a customer was active today, while 0 indicates no activity for 100 days or more. Scores update after each visit.

Marketing teams leverage recency scores to identify highly engaged users for targeted offers, re-engage those with declining activity through personalized promotions, and reactivate inactive users via email or mobile outreach.

Behavioral: Frequency

This property measures how often a customer visits your site, helping marketing teams tailor their messaging. High-frequency visitors may warrant a more direct approach, such as a call center interaction, while less active users can be re-engaged through targeted email campaigns.

Behavioral: Intensity

This property tracks the depth of customer engagement by measuring the average number of page views per visit. Marketing teams use this data to tailor content strategies—high-intensity users, who engage deeply, can be served more content, while those with lower intensity may benefit from concise, targeted messaging.

Behavioral: Recent intensity

This property measures a customer's activity on your site over the past 30 days, with values decaying over time—halving after 72 days.

Marketing teams use this score to tailor outreach. A rising recent intensity score signals increased engagement, making it an ideal time to encourage purchases, subscriptions, or next steps in the funnel. Conversely, a drop in activity may prompt a re-engagement campaign via email or messaging to rekindle interest.

Behavioral: Momentum

This property tracks changes in a customer's engagement by comparing their past 7 days of activity to their usual weekly average. Scores range from 0 (significantly less activity than usual) to 100 (a major increase in engagement).

This score helps identify engagement trends. A sudden spike may indicate a high intent to buy, making these users prime targets for special offers. Conversely, a drop in momentum signals disengagement, allowing marketers to trigger re-engagement campaigns for inactive visitors.

How behavioral profile properties are calculated

All scores are calculated at the start of each visit (after 20 minutes of inactivity) and remain unchanged during that session. If a visitor returns three times in a day, their behavioral scores are recalculated each time.

The Frequency, Intensity, and Recent Intensity scores are benchmarked against all visitors, excluding the top 5% to reduce outlier influence. The highest remaining value sets the 100-index mark, with recalibration occurring daily.




Behavioral: Recency

Recency indicates the number of days since the visitor was last active. This value is 100 if the visitor has been active today, 99 for yesterday, 98 for two days ago, and so on. This value is 0 if the visitor has been inactive for 99 days or more.

Recency = 100 - dlv

dlv = Number of days since the last visit

Behavioral: Frequency

Frequency provides a ranking from 0 to 100 for the average number of visits this person made per day from the first visit until today. All individual profiles in your tenant are considered (leaving out the top 5% of outliers). Visitors with the highest average receive a frequency value of 100. The value is 0 for visitors with an average of (nearly) 0 visits per day from their first visit date.

Frequency = (v * 100) / (dfv * fmax)

v = Total number of visits
dfv = Number of days since the first visit
fmax = Highest daily frequency of all visitors, ignoring the top 5% of values

Behavioral: Intensity

Intensity indicates the average number of page views per visit from the person's first visit until today. This value is 100 for visitors with the highest intensity average since their first visit in your channels, leaving out the top 5% of outliers. This value is 0 for visitors with an average intensity of (almost) 0 per day since their first visit.

in = round((pn / pmax) * 10)
Overall Intensity = (100 * Σ i1..n) / (dfv * imax)

in = Intensity of single visit n
imax = Highest daily intensity of all visitors, ignoring the top 5% of values
pn = Number of pageviews for visit n
pmax = Highest number of pageviews of all visitors, ignoring the top 5% of values
Σ i1..n = Sum of all single visit intensities
dfv = Number of days since the first visit

Behavioral: Recent intensity

Index for the recent intensity (amount of activity during one visit) of the visitor. The impact of an activity on the value will decrease over time. This value is 100 for visitors with the highest recent intensity in your channels. This value is 0 for visitors with a recent intensity of (almost) 0.

The formula for recent intensity is basically the same as for intensity (shown above), with one difference: the value of the intensity per visit (in) decays over time. Every 72 days, the value will be the half of what it was. For example, if the intensity of a visit was 8 on the day of the visit, it will be 4 after 72 days, and 2 after 144 days.

Behavioral: Momentum

Momentum considers the past 7 days of a visitor's activity and compares it to the average 7-day activity of that visitor in all time. The value is 50 when the last 7 days' activity is the same as the average. If there is more activity than the average, the value will be higher, with a maximum of 100. If there is less activity than average, the value is lower, with a minimum of 0.

New visitors
IF first visit date is less than 7 days ago
THEN momentum = 50
Inactive visitors
IF number of visits in last 7 days is 0
THEN momentum = 0
Decreased momentum
IF number of visits per day since the first visit is greater than or equal to that of the last 7 days
THEN momentum = (vf / vw) * 50
Increased momentum
IF number of visits per day since the first visit is lower than that of the last 7 days
THEN momentum = 100 – (vf / vw) * 50
vw = Number of visits per day in the last 7 days
vf = Number of visits per days since the first visit

View behavioral profile properties

To see behavioral profile properties for your profiles:

  • Select More > Profiles & Groups from the main menu.

  • Open up a profile and select the Profile overview tab.

  • The Behavioral score chart shows the behavioral profile properties and their scores for that profile.

How to do behavioral segmentation and calculate real-time customer profile engagement scores in the BlueConic customer data platform, or CDP?

Next steps


Can I track behavioral profile properties with dashboards?

Yes, you can track behavioral profile properties with dashboards in some cases. Since these properties are calculated in real time and not stored directly in the customer profile, certain insights may not be able to retrieve them. However, you can still visualize and analyze behavioral trends using BlueConic’s reporting tools, depending on how the data is structured and accessed.

How is privacy and consent managed for behavioral profile properties?

GDPR/CCPA-like privacy laws allow disabling behavioral profile property collection. These properties, driven by the Global Listener, require its consent. Enable consent management by linking the Global Listener to a consent-enabled marketing objective, restricting property access to consenting profiles."

What are some examples of momentum scenarios and calculations?

  • A new visitor had 3 contacts since the first visit 6 days ago; their momentum is 50.

  • An inactive visitor had 0 contacts in last 7 days and has 0.12 visits per day since the first visit; their momentum equals 0.

  • A visitor with decreased momentum has 2 visits per day since first visit and 1 visit per day over the last 7 days; their momentum is: (1 / 2) * 50 = 25.

  • A visitor with increased momentum has 0.5 visits per day since first visit and 1 visit per day over the last 7 days; their momentum value will be: 100 – (0.5 / 1) * 50 = 75.

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