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Segment Overlap Insight
Updated over 3 months ago

The Segment Overlap Insight shows the number of profiles in up to three customer segments, along with the overlap among those segments in a Venn diagram.

The Segment Overlap insight and its controls

Here is an example of a Segment Overlap Insight on a BlueConic dashboard:

How do I visualize my dynamic customer segments in BlueConic insights and dashboards?

Hovering over the Venn diagram shows the number of profiles in each of the named segments, and hovering over the overlap shows the number of profiles that are in both segments.

You can also quickly create new customer segments from any overlap by hovering over it, clicking the overlap, and naming your new customer segment at the prompt.

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Note: Creating a new segment doesn't work for all overlaps and all segments. In particular, segments that are constructed using "OR" have a higher chance of not being able to be transformed into a new segment. If this is the case, the Segment Overlap Insight will not offer the option to create a new segment, and the overlap will remain grayed out. Review the article Creating dynamic customer segments for information on creating customer segments in BlueConic.

Configuring the Segment Overlap Insight

How to configure dynamic customer segment insights with the BlueConic CDP and what is cdp segmentation or customer segmentation?

In the Segment field, select the segments that will be plotted in the diagram. You can select 1-3 segments. Click OK.

Learn more about BlueConic customer segments

To learn more about customer segmentation, review the article Creating dynamic customer segments in BlueConic.

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