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Defining channel positions

BlueConic dialogues use channel positions in order to identify specific areas and fields within a channel. In the example below, two positions have been defined (Position 1 and Position 2):


You use positions in BlueConic dialogues to display customized or personalized content. Before you can use a position for web or mobile content, you need to define the positions for your channel(s).

How to define channel positions in BlueConic

To define one or more positions for a channel, follow these steps:

  1. Select Channels & BlueConic hostnames from the BlueConic settings menu.
  2. On the Channels page, find the domain containing the channel to which you want to add one or more positions.
  3. Click the channel to which you want to add a position in the list. The properties for the channel appear.
  4. On the individual channel page, click Add position under "Positions."


Enter the name of the position in the "Name" text box. Review the article Best practices for names and labels for tips on naming your channels.


Enter a valid jQuery Selector to define the position on the page in the "Position" text box. A position is defined using a jQuery Selector. For complete information on jQuery Selectors, follow this link:

To define the position using the Visual Picker, click the Visual Picker icon.


Preview URL

The Visual Picker is a tool you can use to visually select positions within a channel. The positions define the location within the HTML in a channel where content is shown by an interaction, as well as when action is taken by an interaction based on specific content appearing at a specific position or a click occurring in a specific position. Depending on the circumstances, the Preview URL is the default URL that the Visual Picker opens to when you click the link for the Visual Picker. For information on when the "Preview URL" is used, review Initial URL opened by the Visual Picker.

Used by

  1. Click the "Related items" link to see a list of the interactions and variants that use this channel position. The total number of interactions and variants is shown. If no interactions or variants use this channel, the number is "0" and the "Related items" link is unavailable.
  2. Click Save to save the position.
    The positions created appear in the list of defined positions. The following is an example of a channel position definition:


Editing positions

To edit a position, follow these steps:

  1. Click the position you want to edit in the list of positions. The properties for the position appear.
  2. Make the desired modifications to the position definition and then click Save.

Deleting positions

To delete a position, follow these steps:

  1. Hover the mouse over the position in the list of channel positions. The "Delete" icon appears in the far right column.
  2. Click the Delete button.


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