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Lifecycle Stage Transition Table Insight
Updated this week

As customers move through your marketing lifecycles, BlueConic tracks their progress so you can determine how customers respond to your marketing touchpoints throughout their journey.

You can use the Lifecycle Stage Transition Table insight to understand precisely how customer profiles move through your marketing lifecycles. You can see, for example, how profiles move between the different stages, to help you understand user behavior (for example, are customers taking shortcuts? or skipping stages?) and to identify possible pain points where customers typically drop out of the lifecycle.

Set up the Lifecycle Stage Transition Table Insight

Start by adding a Lifecycle Stage Transition Table insight to a BlueConic dashboard (see the detailed instructions). Select More > Insights from the BlueConic navigation bar, select a Dashboard, click Create Insight, and choose the Lifecycle Stage Transition Table. The insight is created and appears on your dashboard.

Lifecycle Stage Transition Table Insight BlueConic.png

Click the cogwheel icon to configure the insight.


Lifecycle (required): Select a BlueConic lifecycle from the dropdown menu.

Metrics type (required): Choose which metric to display in the insight:

  • Transition count: Measures the number of profiles transitioning between stages in the lifecycle

  • Transition ratio compared to profiles in stage: Measures the ratio of profiles moving forward or backward compared to the number of profiles in the stage

Interval (default shows cumulative time period): Choose whether to display lifecycle stage metrics for a cumulative time period or for intervals measured in days, weeks, months, quarters, or years. This time interval works with the Dashboard's clock time setting -- so if the dashboard is set to the calendar year, and you choose a monthly interval here, you will see the current year's metrics broken out by month.

Notes about how metrics display for intervals of time:

  • The insight can display a maximum of 52 intervals.

  • Date ranges are exclusive of the final date. So a date range of July 1 to July7th includes metrics up to the end of July 6th.

  • The time intervals you set in the insight work in concert with the Dashboard's time period.
    Example: If your Dashboard time period is set to a date range spanning two months, 9/15/2021 to 10/15/21, and you set the Insight's interval to display metrics monthly, the insight shows one set of metrics for September and one for October.


Display rows: Select whether to display all stage rows in the table, or only selected rows.

Display columns: Select whether to display all stage columns in the table, or only selected columns.

Showing or hiding a row or column does not affect the lifecycle metrics. When a lifecycle stage is deleted, it will no longer appear in the insight.

The Lifecycle Stage Transition Table and its controls

This insight enables you to analyze user behavior for a range of lifecycle events:

Time period: The time period you select for the Dashboard governs all insights on the dashboard that are time based (as shown by the clock icon



This time period controls which metrics are shown -- for all time, the last 24 hours, last 7 days, last 30 days, last 90 days, last 365 days, or a custom time period.


Profiles in stage: Total number of profiles in the stage at the start of the time period chosen at the top left corner of the insight dashboard. Use the dropdown menu at the top of the Lifecycle to select a time period.


Entries: Number of profiles entering the stage during the time period.


Transitions to and from lifecycle stages: Stage transition data showing profiles moving forward stage-to-stage (green-shaded progressions), and profiles moving back to earlier stages (orange-shaded drops).


Transition ratio: Shows the ratio of profiles transitioning in the stage (forward or backward) compared to the number of profiles in the stage.


Completions: Number of profiles that have successfully met the completion criteria set for the lifecycle and have experienced at least one lifecycle stage touchpoint.


Dropouts: Number of profiles that have moved backward from stage-to-stage. Profile dropouts count the number of profiles that drop out of a specific stage and total dropouts count the number of profiles that drop out of the entire lifecycle.


Total moved: Total number (or percent) of profiles moving forward in the lifecycle, moving backward, and dropping out.


Note: To learn about the various metrics for measuring your Lifecycles and their stages, see Assessing Lifecycle Performance and Reporting.

Color shading

As you examine your results, you'll notice various intensities of color gradations. Darker green shading signifies a relatively higher number of profiles transitioning to a higher lifecycle stage or to completion. Darker shades of red show where the highest number of profiles drop out of the lifecycle.

Time period setting for the current dashboard

The Lifecycle Stage Transition Table presents metrics for the timeframe selected for the current Dashboard. (The insight shows a clock icon


in the top-left corner.) Changing the time period for the dashboard will update the insight's display to show metrics for the chosen time period.

Learn more about the time period setting for BlueConic dashboards and insights. If you have questions about using insights and dashboards with BlueConic Lifecycles, see Insights and Dashboards.

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