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Average Values Over Time Insight
Updated over 3 months ago

This insight shows the average profile value in a selected profile property, calculated for a selected segment. Only profile properties of type number, decimal, or currency can be selected. The average is calculated daily.

How to create an Average Values Over Time Insight in BlueConic

  1. Open (or create) a BlueConic Dashboard.

  2. Click Add Insight and search for 'Average Values Over Time' in the list of available insight types.

  3. Select the Average Values Over Time Insight plugin. It's created and placed on the current Dashboard.
    When the insight appears, click Configure this Insight to choose the segment, profile property, and interval to display.

The Average Values Over Time Insight and its controls

This example shows the average values over time for a sample profile property named "Purchase Value" for all profiles in the segment, "Customers." Insights inherit time interval of the Dashboard that contains them. In this case the Dashboard interval is set to 30 days.

How do I display the average profile value in a selected profile property in BlueConic?

Note: BlueConic starts collecting data only after you have chosen a segment and profile property whose values will be displayed. The average is calculated once a day, so it can take up to one day before the first data is shown in the graph.

Configuring the Average Values Over Time Insight

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