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Shopify Connection
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What: The Shopify Connection allows you to enrich BlueConic profiles with data from Shopify, including importing Shopify order events to BlueConic profile timelines. This connection supports batch import.

Why: By importing data from Shopify to BlueConic, you can re-engage customers who have abandoned their shopping carts or left your site before completing their purchases. Use this connection to share first-party customer and abandoned basket data from Shopify to your BlueConic profiles to better retarget customers data.

Note: If you have multiple Shopify stores, you can create and manage separate Shopify connections for each store in a single tenant.

Adding a Shopify Connection

  1. Click Connections in the Navigation bar.

  2. Click Add Connection.

  3. A pop-up window appears. Check the Show all box and enter "Shopify" in the Search bar.

  4. Click Shopify connection.
    The Shopify connection page opens. You can expand or collapse metadata fields (favorite, labels, and description) by clicking the gray chevron at the top of the page.

  5. In the metadata section you can choose whether to get email notifications when the connection runs or fails to run.

  6. Enter a name for the connection and Save your settings.

Creating a Shopify connection

Setting up the Shopify connection with BlueConic

  1. In the Set up and run page, click Connect with Shopify to authenticate the connection.
    This opens the BlueConic page of the Shopify app store.

  2. Log in to your Shopify account and follow the prompts to connect BlueConic to your Shopify account and authorize the flow of data from Shopify to BlueConic. Once the connection is established, the Authentication shows "Connected to Shopify."

    BlueConic connection to Shopify app store.png

Data exchange: After the connection runs, this shows the total number of unique profiles that have been imported via the connection. Note that these are unique profiles. If the same profile is imported multiple times, it is counted as 1.

How to import customer profile data, order data, and transactional event data from Shopify to the BlueConic customer data platform

Run history: This table appears after you save the connection. Here you can schedule the connection to run on certain days, at certain times. See Scheduling connections for details.

To make the connection work, you have to add at least one import goal and switch the connection on. In the import goal you can specify how data from Shopify should be linked and mapped to BlueConic data.

Configuring Shopify Connection import goals

You can import Shopify profile and order event data into customers' BlueConic profile timelines, and also to a BlueConic product store that feeds product recommendations, to engage with customers based on their shopping behaviors.

Importing Shopify data into BlueConic

Select Add goal > Import data into BlueConic in the left panel to add an import goal and then follow these steps.

  1. Process your data before the import.
    Optionally add one or more data processors that can perform various functions, such as transformation, filtering, manipulation, and more.

  2. Link identifiers between Shopify and BlueConic.
    To match Shopify customers to BlueConic profiles, you need to link identifiers between the two systems. If there's no match for a Shopify customer, the customer will not be imported, unless you select the "Allow the creation of new BlueConic profiles" box.

    How to import customer profile data from Shopify to BlueConic customer profile properties
  3. Optional: Map Shopify data to BlueConic.
    Here you map the Shopify fields you want to import into BlueConic to the corresponding profile property fields. Click Add mapping to create additional mappings.

    How to map customer profile data from Shopify to BlueConic

    Select how to import the data from the dropdown menu on the righthand side:

      • Set

      • Set if empty

      • Add the data field to the list of existing values.

      • Sum a number with the existing values (if the data field is a number).


    In this step, you can map channel-specific marketing consent fields that are made available in the Shopify API, including emailMarketingConsent and smsMarketingConsent. This allows you to import the data from the channel-specific marketing consent fields, to better align with customer consent preferences.

    Be aware that when a profile's SMS marketing consent status is updated in Shopify, the profile may not refresh immediately due to the Shopify API. This is expected behavior as changes to the SMS marketing consent field do not trigger the "Last Updated" timestamp. This does not impact the validity of consent records, as all consent changes are properly recorded. The timestamp will update when other profile information is modified.

  4. Optional: Import Timeline events into BlueConic.
    You can import data from Shopify fields to enrich BlueConic timeline events. Map the correct Shopify fields into the corresponding BlueConic Timeline event properties.

    Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 9.51.48 AM.png

  5. Click Save on the top right corner of the screen to save your import goal. Now you can Run the connection in the Set up and run page.

Connection status

Once you've set up and saved your connection, the icon at the top reflects the status of the connection.

How to check connection status for importing customer profile data, events, order data, and transactions from Shopify to BlueConic

An arrow runs from Shopify to BlueConic, signifying the direction of the data import. When the arrow is green, the connection is ready to be used.

In the Data exchange section of the Set up and run page, you can see the number of unique profiles that had data imported by the connection. See Scheduling connections for information on running the connection on a schedule.

Privacy management

Connections can be added to Objectives, allowing for privacy management of the information that is being picked up. A connection will only process the profiles of visitors who have consented to at least one of the objectives that the connection is linked to.

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