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Braze Connection
Updated over 2 months ago

What: The Braze connection allows you to enrich BlueConic profiles with data from Braze and vice versa, for import goals via an Amazon S3 server. This connection supports scheduled batch import and export.

Why: By exchanging profile data between BlueConic and Braze, you can share first-party customer data from BlueConic profiles using data stored in Braze, and vice versa.

To learn more, and to have this connection installed in your tenant, contact your BlueConic Customer Success Manager.

Deep Dive into the Braze Connection

For a technical deep dive into how the Braze Connection works, see the Braze Connection Deep Dive page.

Creating a Braze Connection

  1. Click Connections in the BlueConic navigation bar.

  2. Click Add Connection.

  3. A pop-up window appears. Enter "Braze" in the Search bar.

    How do I connect customer data from Braze to BlueConic?
  4. Click Braze Connection.
    The connection page opens. You can expand or collapse the metadata fields (to mark it as a favorite, add labels, or write a description) by clicking the gray + or -.

  5. In the metadata section you can choose whether to get email notifications when the connection runs or fails to run.

  6. Enter a name for your connection at the top of the page and save your settings.

Configuring a Braze Connection

To set up the connection, you need to have an account with Braze and access to an Amazon Web Services (S3) server. You add your account credentials and server details to set up the connection to BlueConic. Follow the steps outlined below.

Setting up the connection

  1. Select Set up and run in the Set up and run section in the left panel.

  2. In the Braze authentication section, enter your Braze instance URL and API key.

    How to run data integrations between Braze and BlueConic CDP
  3. Under S3 setup and authentication, enter your Amazon Web Services (S3) account credentials: Access key ID, Secret access key, S3 bucket, and (optionally) path.
    Note that the S3 account credentials need to be the same S3 credentials you configured in Braze.

    How can I exchange customer profile data between Braze adn BlueConic?
  4. Save your settings.

Once the authentication is complete, you'll create at least one import or export goal, turn the connection on, and either schedule or run the connection. Follow the steps outlined below.

Creating import goals

  1. Select the location of the data in Braze.
    Here you can tell BlueConic where to find the data to be imported, by selecting your Braze audience.

  2. Link identifiers between Braze and BlueConic.
    To match customer data between the two systems, enter one or more customer identifiers. Use the dropdown menu in the BlueConic field to select either the BlueConic profile identifier or a profile property.


    Use the "Allow creation..." checkbox to enable BlueConic to create new profiles for data that does not match an existing BlueConic profile.

  3. Map Braze data to BlueConic profile properties.
    Match Braze fields on the left with BlueConic profile properties on the right. Use the dropdown menu to specify how imported content should be added to existing values: added, summed, set only if the profile property is empty, or to set or clear (if the Braze field is empty).


    Use the Add mapping button to create additional mapping rows.
    You can add multiple mapping rows at once with the "Add remaining fields" option. BlueConic detects the remaining Braze fields and matches them with BlueConic profile properties. You can set the merge strategy for imported field (set, add, sum, set if empty, set, or clear) and also provide a custom prefix to the names of BlueConic profile properties (optional). To map custom attributes from Braze to BlueConic profile properties you need to include the dot expression in the Braze mapping field, for example: custom_attributes.display_name.

  4. Optional: Import Timeline events into BlueConic

    Import data from Braze to enrich BlueConic Timeline events. Map the correct Braze fields into the corresponding BlueConic Timeline event properties.

  5. Run the connection.
    See Scheduling and running connections for details.

Creating export goals

Select "Export data to Braze" in the left panel to open the export goal page to configure your data export from BlueConic to Braze.

  1. Select a BlueConic segment for the export.
    Only profiles in this segment that have matching identifiers in Braze will be exported.

  2. Link identifiers between BlueConic and Braze.
    Here you match identifiers between BlueConic profiles and Braze fields. You can optionally choose to let BlueConic create new records in Braze if no existing match is found.

  3. Map BlueConic data to Braze.
    Match the BlueConic data fields you are exporting to Braze fields.


    Use the dropdown menu from the BlueConic icon to choose the type of information you want to export:

    • Profile property: The value of a specific profile property.

    • BlueConic profile identifier: The unique identifier for a profile.

    • Associated segments: All segments, or a selection of one or more specific segments that the profile is associated with.

    • All viewed interactions: The names of all viewed BlueConic interactions (for the current page view) as the value, and names will be pipe-separated.

    • Permission level: The permission level set in the profile.

    • Text value: Enter any static text.

  4. Optional: Export Timeline events into BlueConic.
    Export data from BlueConic Timeline events to Braze events. Map the correct Braze fields into the corresponding BlueConic Timeline event properties.

  5. Run the connection.

You'll notice the arrows running between BlueConic and Braze in the upper left corner of the page. Green arrows in each direction indicate active import and export goals, ready to be run.


Data exchange

Once the connection has been run, the data exchange section in the Setup page shows the number of unique BlueConic profiles imported from and exported to Braze via this connection.


Running the connection

To run the connection on a schedule, follow these steps:

  1. Click Set up and run in the left-hand panel.

  2. Click the settings icon in the Run history section of the Set up and run page.

  3. Schedule the connection to run by choosing options in the Schedule window.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Switch the connection On and Save your settings.

  6. To run the connection immediately, click Run now.

After the connection has run, scroll down to the Run history section. This table shows all past and scheduled runs for the connection. In the details column, it also lists the last five created or updated profiles and links to the profile identifier so you are able to see exactly how and whether profiles were created or updated correctly.


Privacy management

Connections can be added to Objectives, allowing for privacy management of the information that is being picked up. A connection will only process the profiles of visitors who have consented to at least one of the objectives that the connection is linked to.

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