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Airship Connection
Updated over 2 months ago

What: You can use this connection to enrich BlueConic profiles with data from Airship and to export profiles to Airship to better reach your audience. This connection supports scheduled batch import and export.

Why: Airship allows companies to generate custom messages to consumers via notifications like push notifications and SMS messages. By connecting your Airship account with BlueConic, you can reach a wider audience and create more dynamic segments.

Creating an Airship Connection

  1. Click Connections in the BlueConic navigation bar.

  2. Click Add Connection.

  3. A pop-up window appears. Enter "Airship" in the Search bar.

  4. Click Airship Connection.
    The connection page opens. You can expand or collapse the metadata fields (to mark it as a favorite, add labels, or write a description) by clicking the gray + or -.

  5. In the metadata section you can choose whether to get email notifications when the connection runs or fails to run.

  6. Enter a name for your connection at the top of the page and save your settings.

Configuring an Airship Connection

After you create an Airship connection in BlueConic, you need to authenticate the connection and set up at least one export goal. In the connection goals, you specify the data you are exchanging and how it maps to BlueConic profiles. You can also prioritize the order of your goals by dragging and dropping them to your desired sequence by using the drag handle that appears at the left-hand side of a goal when hovering over it.

Setting up the connection

  1. Select the Set up and run section in the left panel.

  2. In the Authentication section, enter your Airship:

    • App key - Your Airship app key should be retrieved in the Airship environment.
      Go to Settings > Project Details > APP KEY

    • Master secret - Your secret should be retrieved in the Airship environment.
      Go to Settings > Project Details > MASTER SECRET > Click to reveal

    • Region

  3. Save your settings.

Once the authentication is complete, you'll create at least one import or export goal, turn the connection on, and either schedule or run the connection. Follow the steps outlined below.

Creating import goals

Select "Import data into BlueConic" in the left panel to open the import goal page to configure your data import from Airship to BlueConic.

  1. Select an Airship import location.
    ​Select the database in Airship where data should be imported from. You can import attributes from all named users or select an engagement channel.

  2. Link identifiers between Airship and BlueConic.
    To match customer data between the two systems, enter one or more customer identifiers. Use the dropdown menu in the BlueConic field to select either the BlueConic profile identifier or a profile property.


    Use the "Allow creation..." checkbox to enable BlueConic to create new profiles for data that does not match an existing BlueConic profile.

  3. Map Airship data to BlueConic profile properties.
    Match Airship fields on the left with BlueConic profile properties on the right. Use the dropdown menu to specify how imported content should be added to existing values: added, summed, set only if the profile property is empty, or to set or clear (if the Airship field is empty).


    Use the Add mapping button to create additional mapping rows.
    You can add multiple mapping rows at once with the "Add remaining fields" option. BlueConic detects the remaining Airship fields and matches them with BlueConic profile properties. You can set the merge strategy for imported field (set, add, sum, set if empty, set, or clear) and also provide a custom prefix to the names of BlueConic profile properties (optional).

  4. Optional: Import Timeline events into BlueConic.

    Import data from Airship to enrich BlueConic Timeline events. Map the correct Airship fields into the corresponding BlueConic Timeline event properties.

  5. Run the connection.
    See Scheduling and running connections for details.

Creating export goals

Select "Export data to Airship" in the left panel to open the export goal page to configure your data export from BlueConic to Airship.

  1. Select a segment of profiles for the export.
    Select a BlueConic segment to narrow down the set of profiles to export to Airship.

  2. Enable real-time export.
    In addition to scheduled exports, you can enable real-time exports that are triggered by a specific action, such as a profile property change. When any of your triggers occur on a profile, that profile will be immediately exported to Airship. Unless the profile changes after this real-time export, it will be excluded from the next scheduled batch run, helping to reduce runtime.

  3. Select an export location.
    Select a database in Airship to export BlueConic data to or create a new one.

  4. Link identifiers.
    Link BlueConic profiles to Airship by linking the identifiers from both systems.

  5. Map BlueConic data to Airship.
    Map the fields you want to export to Airship to the corresponding BlueConic profile properties. Note: If you want to export to custom attributes, type out the name within the mapping field.

  6. Run the connection.

You'll notice the arrows running between BlueConic and Airship in the upper left corner of the page. Green arrows in each direction indicate active import and export goals, ready to be run.


Data exchange

Once the connection has been run, the data exchange section in the Setup page shows the number of unique BlueConic profiles imported from and exported to Airship via this connection.


Running the connection

To run the connection on a schedule, follow these steps:

  1. Click Set up and run in the left-hand panel.

  2. Click the settings icon in the Run history section of the Set up and run page.

  3. Schedule the connection to run by choosing options in the Schedule window.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Switch the connection On and Save your settings.

  6. To run the connection immediately, click Run now.

After the connection has run, scroll down to the Run history section. This table shows all past and scheduled runs for the connection. In the details column, it also lists the last five created or updated profiles and links to the profile identifier so you are able to see exactly how and whether profiles were created or updated correctly.

Privacy management

Connections can be added to Objectives, allowing for privacy management of the information that is being picked up. A connection will only process the profiles of visitors who have consented to at least one of the objectives that the connection is linked to.

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