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Power BI Connection
Updated over 2 weeks ago

What: You can use the Power BI connection to send BlueConic profile and dialogue data to Power BI, to analyze and visualize the data. This connection supports scheduled batch export.

Why: By bringing BlueConic profile and dialogue data into Power BI, you can analyze and visualize your first-party customer data using the Power BI cloud-based service.

Creating a Power BI connection to BlueConic

  1. Click Connections in the BlueConic navigation bar.

  2. Click Add Connection.

  3. A pop-up window appears. Enter "Power BI" in the Search bar.

  4. Click Power BI connection.
    The Power BI connection page opens. You can expand or collapse the metadata fields (favorite, labels, and description) by clicking the chevron at the top of the page.

  5. In the metadata section you can choose whether to get email notifications when the connection runs or fails to run.

  6. Enter a name for your connection at the top of the page and Save your settings.

Configuring a Power BI connection

BlueConic connects to the Power BI cloud service. To get started, you need to authenticate your connection to Power BI.

Setting up the connection

  1. Select Set up and run in the Setup section in the left panel.

  2. In the Authentication section, enter your Power BI account credentials.
    This enables BlueConic to send profile data to Power BI.

    How do I create a connection between BlueConic and Power BI?

    Note: To find your Power BI credentials in Azure portal, you or your site administrator needs to click App registrations, select the entry for Power BI, and make note of the client and tenant IDs. On the left side of the screen, click certificates and secrets, where you may need to generate a new client secret.

  3. Save your settings.

To make the connection work, you have to add at least one export goal, save your settings, and switch the connection on at the top of the page. In the export goal(s), you specify how data from BlueConic should be linked and mapped to Power BI.

Creating export goals to export data from BlueConic to Power BI

  1. Select the BlueConic segment whose profiles will be exported.
    In the top right-hand corner, the number of profiles available for export appears. This number shows how many profiles meet the conditions for the selected BlueConic segment and therefore are available for the export. Only identifiable profiles in this segment will be exported. The actual number of profiles exported might be lower than the number displayed here.

  2. Select the Power BI workspace to export BlueConic profile data to.

  3. Select the Power BI dataset to export to.
    You can add a new dataset to Power BI, which will contain a table named for the segment you're exporting. BlueConic replaces the dataset each time the connection is run.

  4. Select a Power BI table name to export to.
    If you enter the name of an existing table, this table can be overwritten on every run.

  5. Export the BlueConic profile identifier to Power BI.
    You can use the BlueConic profile ID to blend or combine data in Power BI. Only profiles with matching identifiers will be exported.

  6. Map BlueConic profile data to Power BI.
    Select the BlueConic data to export to Power BI and give them a name in the corresponding Power BI fields. Use the dropdown menu at the BlueConic icon to select the export type for each mapping.
    Note: For the export to occur without errors in Power BI, make sure that all of your mappings have both a profile property and a value and that none of the values are duplicates.
    Pick one of these options:

    • Profile property: The value of a specific profile property.

    • BlueConic profile identifier: The unique identifier for a profile.

    • Associated segments: All segments, or a selection of one or more specific segments that the profile is associated with.

    • All viewed interactions (all time): The interactions that the profile has seen.

    • Permission level: The permission level set in the profile.

    • Text value: Enter any static text.

    How to export BlueConic customer profile data to Power BI for analysis and reporting
  7. Run the connection.

Running the Power BI connection

To run the connection, turn the connection on at the top of the page and save your changes.

How do I run a connection between BlueConic and Power BI to export customer profile data?

Use the settings in the Run history section of the Set up and run page. See Scheduling connections for information on running the connection.

Connection status

Once you've set up and saved your connection, the icon at the top of the window reflects the status of the connection.

An arrow runs from BlueConic to Power BI, signifying the direction of the data export. When the arrow is green, the connection is ready to be used.

How do I check the status of a customer data connection between BlueConic and Power BI?

In the Data exchange section of the Set up and run page, you can see the number of unique profiles that have been exported via the connection. Note that these are unique profiles -- for example, if the same profile is exported multiple times, it is counted only once.

How do I export data from BlueConic to Microsoft Power BI?

Privacy management

Connections can be added to Objectives, allowing for privacy and consent management of the information that is being picked up. A connection will only process the profiles of visitors who have consented to at least one of the objectives that the connection is linked to.

Using the Webhook Connection to Integrate BlueConic to Power BI

This section outlines the steps to connect BlueConic to the Power BI API using the Webhook Connection. By following these steps, you can stream data directly from BlueConic to Power BI whenever a specific Timeline event occurs on a profile. This method ensures real-time data transfer, enabling up-to-date analysis and reporting in Power BI without the need for batch-based processes.

  1. Create a new Webhook Connection.

    Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 12.38.31 PM.png
  2. Configure a “Trigger a request” goal.

    Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 12.38.50 PM.png
  3. Leave the segment as “All visitors” unless you want to further qualify the profiles sent to Power BI.

    Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 12.39.29 PM.png
  4. Select to trigger the webhook when a Timeline event occurs. The Timeline event should include the data package you want to send to Power BI.

  5. Select the “Add credentials via webhook request” authorization method.

  6. Configure the outgoing trigger request. An example of what this request looks like can be found in the screenshot below and in the Webhook Connection code examples article. It is important here to include the Power BI API authentication key in the endpoint URL.

  7. Test the webhook.

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