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Connection - Profiles In / Out Insight
Updated over 2 months ago

The Connection - Profiles In/Out Insight displays the number of profiles exchanged through import or export between BlueConic and your other data sources. Use this insight to see the total number of unique profiles exchanged via the connection. You can create insights for all of your connections.

How do I display the number of profiles exchanged through import or export connections with BlueConic and other systems?

Adding the Connection - Profiles In/Out insight

  1. Navigate to the More > Insights menu.

  2. Click the Dashboard you want to add the insight to or click Add Dashboard to create a new one.

  3. Click the Add Insight button.

  4. Enter "Connection" in the search field and choose Connection - Profiles In/Out.

    How do I display results of connections in BlueConic?
  5. Close the pop-up window. A new connections overview insight will be added at the bottom of the dashboard.

Configuring the Connection - Profiles In/Out insight

  1. In the new insight, click Configure this insight or use the settings icon

    How do I show the profiles that have been imported and exported via BlueConic connections?

    to configure it.

  2. In the Connection dropdown menu, choose a connection to display and click OK.
    If you choose a connection with import only, as in this example, it shows the number of unique profiles imported into BlueConic.

    how do I show the marketing profiles imported via BlueConic connections?

    Export connections show the number of unique profiles exported from BlueConic, with the green arrow running from BlueConic toward the other system.

    How do I show the customer profiles exported via BlueConic connections?
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