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Data Processors Overview
Updated over a week ago

Data processors are used within certain BlueConic connections to transform or filter data being exchanged between BlueConic and external systems. Data processors ensure that BlueConic imports and exports the data correctly by cleaning up the data, storing data in normalized format, or removing variations, for example. This helps maintain data integrity within your customer profiles.

To use data processors, navigate to the Connections tab from the BlueConic dashboard, choose a connection, and select a pre-built data processor to define its settings.

Before you begin

  • Add the necessary data processor plugins to your BlueConic environment.

  • Contact your BlueConic Customer Success Manager if you need assistance installing data processors.

Types of data processors

Here are some examples of available data processors that transform or filter data. The links below provide information on how to set up and add each individual processor.



Cleans up email addresses to fix mistakes. For example, correcting [email protected] to [email protected]

Add a fixed value

Adds a field with a fixed value when importing data. For example, to set the data source.

Allows you to convert values to ones that are clearer for segmentation (e.g., “F” becomes “Female”).

Links together values from different fields and makes them available as a new field.

Add current date

Adds a field with the current date.

Address aggregation (U.S. only)

Takes multiple address fields and returns an aggregated address field. This processor supports U.S. addresses only.

Name normalization

For example, to change Bob Smith, Bobby Smith, and Robt. Smith to Robert Smith.

Creates a history log file of all data in a stringified format for group and profile imports.

Filter data set lines using regular expressions. Configure a match for a profile property and import only matching or non-matching lines.

Remove null data

Removes string null values from data from all fields. For example, removing "null" or "NULL" entries.

First X lines

Imports or exports the set number of spreadsheet rows only. You can configure the number of lines and the rest is ignored.

Normalizes phone numbers to fix errors using an open library. Enter the country code in the settings.

Changes the casing of the selected field. For example, if data is provided in uppercase but needs to be stored in lowercase or first upper.

Converts date fields to a specified date format.

Hashes incoming values using MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, or SHA-512 formats.

Applies custom-written JavaScript code functionality to a data source.

Takes a data field with multiple values and places them into a unique field.

Identifies and skips the import of a data record if it was already imported within the same run.

Add a data processor to a connection

  1. Click on Connections in the navigation bar and locate the desired, data processor-compatible connection (a list of connections that support data processors can be found below).

  2. Click on the Import or Export goal settings of your connection.

  3. Select the data processor you want to use from the list in the field.

  4. Click the configuration icon (cog wheel) to configure settings for your connection and select the relevant data fields, if applicable, for your connection.

  5. Complete set up, turn the connection On and click Save.

Note: Some data processors affect the selection of which profiles are exported/imported. Check for messages in the segment selection or Timeline event mappings step.

Connections that use data processors

The following BlueConic connections enable you to use data processors:

Next steps

  • Run a test to verify that the data processor is functioning as expected.


Can I build custom data processors?

  • Yes, BlueConic users that are developers can create custom data processors tailored to unique business requirements for advanced filtering and transformation.

What are common use cases for data processors?

  • Data cleanup: Automatically clean and standardize data before it is added to customer profiles or sent to external platforms.

  • Field mapping: Map data fields from BlueConic to match those required by external systems like CRMs or ad platforms.

  • Segmentation enhancements: Process profile data to refine segments based on updated rules or filtering criteria.

What are the benefits of using data processors?

  • BlueConic data processors enhance data handling by automating transformations for increased efficiency, ensuring accuracy through data filtering, and providing flexibility with custom processors to tailor integrations.

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