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Log data processor
Updated over 3 months ago

In select BlueConic connections, you can use the Log data processor to log all data in a stringified format into a BlueConic run history log file. Once you have the log file, you can verify if the data is formatted and processed as expected. This processor is applicable for both profile and group imports.

Adding this data processor to your tenant

To use the Log data processor, you first need to add it to your tenant through the Plugins page (BlueConic Settings > Plugins). Click the Add plugin button at the top of this page and look for "Log preprocessor" in the gallery. Then, click the Add plugin button underneath its description to install it.

Once this processor has been added to your tenant, there is no configuration required.

BlueConic data processors, preprocessors, pre-processors, and processors

Adding this data processor to a connection

The Log processor is available in all BlueConic connections that use data processors. You can review the complete list of BlueConic connections that support data processors.

Each of these connections has a specific step on its import and/or export goal page to add data processors (e.g., "Correct your files before the import," "Modify your data before the export"). In that step, use the search box to add "Log"; once added, it appears in a numbered list of data processors activated for that connection.

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For more information, review the full article Using data processors with BlueConic connections.

Using this data processor

Multiple log processors can be added to a single connection run. A common use for the Log data processor is to place one between every other data processor to make sure the steps for cleansing your data are executed properly. After the connection is run, you can compare the log files to verify all data was processed correctly.

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