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Unified Profiles Overview
Updated over a week ago

BlueConic collects real-time, first-party data, enabling the creation of comprehensive customer profiles. It progressively builds these profiles by capturing data across various touchpoints, including website interactions and existing systems like CRM and email databases. This unification process allows for a complete customer view, merging profiles from different sources and resolving identities to create a single, rich profile.

Navigate to BlueConic Profiles

  1. Select More > Profiles & Groups

  2. The Existing profiles section shows a list of all profiles that match the search criteria, or that are part of the segment you selected, displayed in a table.

  3. Use the Columns menu to select which values to display.

  4. Search your database for relevant profiles using unique identifiers or segments.

You can search profiles using PII properties even without PII access. Matching profiles are shown, but PII values are hidden.

View a profile

  1. Select an individual profile in the existing profiles list to see the profile in detail.

  2. The profile detail page opens in the profile overview panel. This shows:

    • Some quick facts about this profile's online behavior

    • Associated segments, groups, lifecycles, and connections

    • The profile's behavioral scores, including frequency, level of activity, intensity, and momentum

    • Locations that this profile has visited

    • Interests collected and stored in the profile

  3. Use the options in the left-hand column to view:

    • Profile privacy management: Shows the current privacy settings for the profile, such as legislation, permission level, objectives this profile has either consented to or refused, and privacy event logs for this profile.

    • Profile timeline: A log of events marked as "Timeline events" for the current profile. Use the All event types dropdown menu to select BlueConic Timeline event types to view.

    • All profile properties: Displays a table showing all profile properties. By default, only profile properties with a value are shown. Clearing the checkbox lists all profile properties without a value too.

How to see details on real-time customer data in BlueConic customer profiles

Edit a profile

Users whose role has permission to Edit profiles can modify profiles. In the All profile properties tab, select a value to modify it or add additional values for a profile property.

How to choose which real-time customer profile properties to display in BlueConic

Download a profile

Use the Save dropdown menu in the top right corner of the profile and select Download profile to receive a JSON file containing the profile and all values associated with it.

Delete a profile

Use the Save dropdown menu in the top right corner of the profile and select Delete.


Is there an easy way to view or edit the information stored in a customer or visitor profile?

Yes, follow these steps to manually edit a profile property value in BlueConic:

How to view and edit profile properties-steps.png
  1. Select Profiles & Groups from the BlueConic navigation bar to see a list of profiles in your tenant.

  2. In the All properties pane, search for the relevant profile and click into it to view the profile property values stored in each profile property.

  3. To manually edit or add profile property values for a single profile (or a very limited number of profiles), click into the Value(s) column to make your edits.

  4. After editing or adding values, select Save to save your changes.

How can I find out where my customer profiles originated?

When profiles are created or imported, BlueConic registers details about whether your customers first arrived over the web (mobile or desktop), via a mobile app, or from other systems through a connection.

Customers' origins are stored in three Origin of profile properties. These three profile properties store origin data in three levels of increasing granularity (from type to source to detail level).

Profile property

Desktop web

Mobile web

Mobile app


Origin of profile level 1: Type





Origin of profile level 2: Source

Host name

Host name

App ID

System name
(for example: SFTP connection, Mailchimp connection, etc.)

Origin of profile level 3: Detail

Entry page

Entry page

App name and version

Connection object UIID

When merging profiles, BlueConic uses the oldest value for origin and for entry page it uses the first visit day. Additionally, the Profile Origin insight gives you a detailed view of where your customer profiles originate.

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