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CDP Use Case Foundations: Create multidimensional customer segments

BlueConic supports your CDP use cases with rich first-party data capabilities. Multidimensional segmentation is a fundamental component of CDP use cases and allows you to group customer or visitor profiles characterized by a defined set of interests, preferences, demographic properties, and so forth. Dynamic segments update in real time as new customer information becomes available.

Why: Creating dynamic, multidimensional segments is a crucial part of using a CDP that allows you to make the most out of your customer base. Once your dynamic segments are set up, your use case possibilities are endless. Multidimensional segments are the building blocks for major CDP use cases like increasing customer engagement, delivering personalized content, preventing funnel abandonment, predicting customer scores, and more.

CDP Use Case basics: Dynamic customer segments

Prior to even entering the BlueConic platform, you will need to decide what segments you would like to set up. A good place to start is by asking questions like:

  • What groups of people would I like to be able to target directly?
  • Is my customer base divided into noticeable sections or demographics?
  • Should specific customers receive different messaging or advertising based on certain traits?

You might want to keep track of these segments in a document or spreadsheet. It would be helpful to list each segment by function and setup requirements. Examples could be:

  • Segment: Men above drinking age who watch football
    • Function: Targeting men who are interested in football and alcohol with Superbowl advertising and deals.
    • Requirements: Gender must be male, age must be over 21, must have shown an interest in football AND alcohol (based on newsletter subscriptions, previous purchases, post interaction, etc.)
  • Segment: Loyal customers that live locally to a store
    • Function: To alert previous customers of a sale in their nearest store
    • Requirements: Must live within a specific distance of a store’s zip code, must have made a previous purchase with the brand before

If you are stuck or need help brainstorming, reach out to your BlueConic Customer Success Manager.

Setting up dynamic customer segments

Once you know which segments you want to set up, now you can move into the BlueConic platform and begin creating them.

Step 1: Navigate to the “Segments” tab in the main menu and click the green “Add segment” button. Then enter a name for your new segment and edit any metadata you choose, such as labels, description, and edit rights. You can find tips on best naming and metadata practices in this article.

Step 2: Now that your segment is created, you need to select conditions that customers have to meet to be part of the segment, like having specific profile properties, belonging to another segment, or having taken a specific action in the past.

customer segmentation in BlueConic

Start by adding your conditions one at a time. Choose one condition from the dropdown menu and set the parameters. For example, choosing “Profile” will result in a pop-up with all available profile properties to choose from. If you choose the profile property “Age,” you can then set a range of what ages you want to include in the segment. For every profile property chosen, the values that the segment can be filtered for will be displayed on the right side.

segmentation in CDP

Step 3: After your first condition is complete, you will build all other conditions by choosing its relation to the first. Segment conditions can be related by “AND” or “OR” statements. Click on "+ AND" if you want the segment to match visitors that match both your first segment condition AND your second segment condition. Click on "+ OR" if you want the segment to match either your first segment condition OR your second segment  condition.

cdp segmentation

When you are content with the segment, click “Save” in the top right corner. All segments can be edited and expanded at any time, so make note of what is working and what isn’t when using your segments.

Step 4: Make it dynamic! Except this is a trick step. All BlueConic segments are dynamic, which means they update in real time to include any new profiles that may fall into the requirements or to remove any profiles that may fall out. No need for manual maintenance and upkeep.

Step 5: Use your segments! There’s no limit to what dynamic segments can be used for in the BlueConic platform, from building insights to creating new messaging to customizing customer lifecycles to calculating predictive scores. Make your segments work for you.

Next steps in your CDP use cases

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