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LinkedIn Connection

How does BlueConic CDP connect profiles and customer segments with LinkedIn audiences?What: The BlueConic LinkedIn connection allows you to enrich LinkedIn with data from BlueConic to target audiences on LinkedIn. You can export segment data to more effectively reach matched audiences with digital advertising. This connection supports batch export of BlueConic segments (server-to-server matched audience sync).

With the LinkedIn connection, you can export profiles to create matched audiences in LinkedIn Advertising using a batch run.

About BlueConic: The BlueConic customer data platform harnesses the data required to power the recognition of an individual at each interaction, and then synchronizes their intent across the marketing ecosystem.

Why: By sending segmentation and user profile property data to LinkedIn, you can more effectively reach matched audiences with digital ads on LinkedIn. Target any contact in your CRM with server-to-server sync. With this capability, you can stop targeting entire segments of visitors who are not a good fit for your advertising campaigns.

Adding a LinkedIn connection

  1. Click Connections in the BlueConic navigation bar.
  2. Click Add Connection.How to create a connection between BlueConic and LinkedIn
  3. A pop-up window appears. Check the Show all box. Enter “LinkedIn” in the Search bar.

    How do I create a connection between BlueConic and LinkedIn?

  4. Click LinkedIn Connection.
    The LinkedIn Connection opens. Enter a name for the connection. Get tips on naming items in BlueConic. You can expand or collapse metadata fields (favorite, labels, and description) by clicking the gray chevron at the top of the page. Here you can choose to receive email notifications for each connection run (whether it fails to run or runs successfully).

Configuring a LinkedIn connection

The instructions below show how to authenticate your connection between BlueConic and LinkedIn and how to create and configure connection goals for exporting data.

Authenticating your connection

  1. Click Set up and run in the LinkedIn connection.
  2. Under Authentication, click Connect with LinkedIn and log in with your LinkedIn account.
    You will be prompted to allow the permissions required for the connection.
  3. Select the advertising account that you will be using.
    How to link accounts between BlueConic profiles and LinkedIn
  4. For real-time exports only, enter your LinkedIn data partner ID.
    You can find this ID number in your LinkedIn campaign manager
    How to connect BlueConic customer segments with LinkedIn audiences using the campaign manager Partner ID
  5. For real-time exports only, define channels for the connection to be active.
    Select the channels where the connection will be active, and optionally, add limitations.
    How do run real-time data exports from BlueConic to LinkedIn
    When someone visits your channels, data will be exported via the LinkedIn Insight Tag.

Under Data exchange you can see how many profiles have been exported. See Connection status for details.

Configuring a Batch export of BlueConic profiles to LinkedIn

You can use BlueConic segments to create LinkedIn Matched Audiences. Using the batch segment export enables you to retarget people on LinkedIn who have not been to your website recently but whose contact information you have. For example, your CRM system might have contact information because someone made a purchase in your store or because their email address is in your ESP.

To make the most LinkedIn Matched Audiences, you should create as many identifiable profiles as possible by integrating with your CRM, ESP, and manual or scheduled imports that contain a lot of identifiers. When using matched audience mapping, BlueConic will automatically create a new matched audience in LinkedIn Matched Audiences, and push all profiles into that audience that are associated with the mapped segment. A few notes on this connection:

  • The timing of when profiles are pushed depends on your schedule settings for the connection.
  • Only profiles with an email address known by LinkedIn will be pushed into the audience.
  • No additional profile data will be pushed to LinkedIn.
  • Building audiences can take up to 72 hours in LinkedIn.

Add a goal to synchronize BlueConic segment information with LinkedIn's Matched Audiences by clicking the Add goal button and selecting LinkedIn Matched Audiences (batch export). Follow the steps in the goal to configure it.

  1. Link identifiers between BlueConic and LinkedIn.
    Link identifiers for matching profiles between both systems. Matching by email address is required. Email identifiers with hashed values are also supported.
    How to match BlueConic customer profiles with LinkedIn profiles
  2. Map BlueConic segments to LinkedIn Matched Audiences.
    Here you map BlueConic segments to existing matched audiences in LinkedIn or create a new one by entering a new name. You can add as many mappings as necessary. After the first time the connection runs, new audiences will appear as a matched audience created by BlueConic.
    Note that LinkedIn only allows streaming to audiences that have BLUE_CONIC as a source platform.
    Troubleshooting your LinkedIn Connection with BlueConic by allowing streaming to audiences with BLUE_CONIC as a source platform
  3. View Matched Audience information.
    How to match audiences in LinkedIn with profiles and segments in the BlueConic customer data platform (CDP)
    In addition to the mapping setup, the connection also provides a view of existing audiences, with a status report and audience count, type, and source platform. This is in a searchable/ sortable list so that you can easily inspect LinkedIn audiences and their current status.
  4. Save your settings and run the connection.

Configuring an export goal for LinkedIn Insight Tag exports

The LinkedIn Insight Tag is a piece of lightweight JavaScript code you can add to your website to enable in-depth campaign reporting and unlock valuable insights about your website visitors. As a LinkedIn Marketing Solutions customer, you can use the LinkedIn Insight Tag to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and learn more about the LinkedIn members interacting with your ads.

Click the Add goal button and select Export via LinkedIn Insight Tag and follow the steps in the goal to configure it.

  1. Select a BlueConic segment to export profile data from BlueConic to LinkedIn.
    Only profiles in this BlueConic segment will be exported.
    How to use the LinkedIn Insight Tag to connect customer data with BlueConic
  2. Select settings for when to push data to LinkedIn Ads.
    Choose when BlueConic should call the LinkedIn insight tag: for each page view, once per visit, or when the profile's permission level changes.
    How to set push frequency for exporting BlueConic customer data to LinkedIn once for each page view, once per visit, or when permission level changes

Running the LinkedIn Connection

Make sure you add an export goal or goals before running the connection and save your configuration. For additional details on these settings, see Scheduling BlueConic connections.

  1. Turn the LinkedIn connection on and click the Save button to save your settings.
    How to run a batch connection between BlueConic customer segments and LinkedIn audiences
  2. Go to the Set up and run Scroll down to the Run history section.
  3. To start the export manually, click the Run now 
  4. To schedule the export for a future date, click the Settings icon How to schedule and run connections between BlueConic profiles and segments and LinkedIn audiences. Select a scheduling option from the drop-down list:
    • Days of the week
    • Day of the month
    • Weekday of the month
  5. Set a time for the export.
  6. Click OK.

Connection status

Once you've set up and saved your connection, the icon at the top will reflect the status of the connection.

How do I connect BlueConic to LinkedIn?

A green arrow runs from BlueConic to LinkedIn, showing that data is being exported from BlueConic to LinkedIn. When the arrow is green, the connection is ready to be used.

Data exchange shows you the total number of unique profiles that have been exported via the connection. Note that this shows the number of unique profiles available for export. However, based on limitations set by the LinkedIn advertising platform, some profiles may not be exported. Also, if the same profile is exported multiple times, it is counted as 1.

Privacy management

Connections can be added to Objectives, allowing for privacy management of the information that is being picked up. A connection will only process the profiles of visitors who have consented to at least one of the objectives that the connection is linked to.


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