These release notes show incremental updates to the BlueConic SDK for React Native, including the SDK version number, the date the update was released, and major changes or additions.
4.0.0 - December 18, 2024
- React (Android): Removed the requirement to create an 'XML' configuration file for the SDK. The SDK must now be initialized with a 'BlueConicConfiguration' object in the code via an 'initialize' function.
- React (iOS): Removed the requirement to add your hostname to the app's plist files. The SDK now requires initialization with a 'BlueConicConfiguration' object in the code via an 'initialize' function.
- Reworked the SDK to require an initialization step before any other SDK functions can be called.
- Renamed the event methods for 'PageView', 'Click', 'View', and 'Conversion'.
- Renamed the even methods for 'ClickEvent', 'AdvancedEvent', 'FormSubmitEvent', 'UpdateContentEvent', and 'UpdateValuesEvent'.
- Almost all SDK methods were renamed to better reflect their functionality.
- Visit Listener plugin support.
- Properties-Based Dialogue plugin support.
- Ability to subscribe and unsubscribe to events. Currently, the supported events are related to the Properties-Based Dialogue plugin.
- Ability to clear profile IDs locally from the cache.
- Optional callback information for a majority of the SDK functions.
- Additional ability to connect to the BlueConic Simulator for testing purposes via the BlueConicConfiguration object when initializing the SDK.
- Ability to set a custom app scheme instead of the default application package name. This can be set via the BlueConicConfiguration object when initializing the SDK.
3.2.4 - October 18, 2024
- React-Android: Fixed issue with the SDK removing cookies when initializing.
3.2.3 - September 18, 2024
- React-Android: Fixed crash during commit log merging events.
- React-Android: Fixed issue with commit log crashing when upgrading from older versions of the SDK.
3.2.2 - August 12, 2024
- React-Android: Fixed issue with commit log serialization failing in certain cases when upgrading from older versions of the SDK.
- React-Android: Fixed issue with SDK crashing in cases where R8 compiler was used.
3.2.1 - June 27, 2024
- React-Android: Fixed issue with behaviour listener not processing values correctly in rule sets
3.2.0 - June 14, 2024
- React: Added support for timeline events in the SDK.
3.1.0 - March 12, 2024
- iOS: Privacy Manifest as required by Apple Privacy Guidelines.
- iOS: SDK Code signing.
3.0.0 - February 21, 2024
- React: The plugin now uses specific Android and iOS native SDK versions to avoid issues with compatibility.
- React-Android: The native SDK is now imported via Gradle and does not need to be imported as a separate module.
- React-iOS: Fixed build issue due to wrong version being used.
- React-Android: Fixed issue with failing to register plugin class during initialization of the plugin.
- React-Android: Fixed issue with gradle building.
2.0.0 - November 24, 2022
- Android: Changed the way the BlueConic Android AAR is loaded (no longer via direct .AAR reference).
- React: Changed peerDependency for react-native to <1.0.0, to fix error with NPM v7 when an app uses a different version of react-native than this package.
- Android: Added targetSdkVersion 31.
1.2.0 - June 21, 2021
- Android/iOS: The dialogue feedback to be equal in both platforms.
- iOS: Changed the typo `paramters` to `parameters`.
- Android: Changed flat structure to interaction with parameters structure. Following structure is used:
"id": "{Variant ID}",
"name": "{Variant Name}",
"dialogueId": "{Dialogue ID}",
"dialogueName": "{Dialogue Name}",
"positionId": "{Position ID}",
"positionName": "{Position Name}",
"pluginType": "ACTION",
"type": "{Plugin ID}",
"parameters": {
// parameters specific to the variant
// as an example:
"content": [""],
"height": ["150"],
"width": ["620"]
1.1.1 - September 20, 2020
- React: Package issues.
- React: Minor bugs.
- iOS: The use of `UIViewController.init()`
1.1.0 - 2020-9-20 September 15, 2020
- React: `Objective` methods.
- React: `registerPluginClass` methods.
- React: `setEnable` methods.
- React: Support for iOS and Android SDKs.
- React: Improvements to the package.
- React: Support for both async and callback methods.
- React: Support for React Native 0.60+.