These release notes show incremental updates to the BlueConic SDK for iOS, including the SDK version number, the date the update was released, and major changes or additions.
4.0.1 - February 17, 2025
Additional callback error type for when the SDK does not have an internet connection
Fixed issue where the SDK would report that it is not enabled, but another error occurred, like no internet connection.
4.0.0 - December 15, 2024
Removed the requirement to add your hostname to the app's plist files. The SDK now requires to be initialized with a 'BlueConicConfiguration' object in the code via an 'initialize' function.
Reworked the SDK to require an initialization step before any other SDK functions can be called.
The SDK BlueConicEventFactory class is not available anymore. Instead, the BlueConicEventManager class can be retrieved from the SDK instance via the 'BlueConic.getInstance().getEventManager()' method.
Dedicated functions for creating events that are sent to the BlueConic server for the 'PageView', 'Click', 'View', and 'Conversion' events. These functions can be called from the SDK instance.
Dedicated functions for publishing events for the 'ClickEvent', 'AdvancedEvent', 'FormSubmitEvent', 'UpdateContentEvent', and 'UpdateValuesEvent' events. These functions can be called from the BlueConicEventManager class.
Visit Listener plugin support.
Properties-Based Dialogue plugin support.
Ability to subscribe and unsubscribe to events via the BlueConicEventManager class. Currently, the supported events are related to the Properties-Based Dialogue plugin.
Ability to clear profile ID locally from the cache.
Optional callback information for a majority of the SDK functions.
Additional ability to connect to the BlueConic Simulator for testing purposes via the BlueConicConfiguration object when initializing the SDK.
Ability to set a custom app scheme instead of the default application bundle ID. This can be set via the BlueConicConfiguration object when initializing the SDK.
3.3.0 - June 12, 2024
Migrated SDK local file save location for enhanced security and added obfuscation to the file contents.
Added support for timeline events in the SDK.
Fixed minor issues with processing UI elements for Form Listeners.
3.2.0 - March 12, 2024
Privacy Manifest as required by Apple Privacy Guidelines.
SDK Code signing.
3.1.0 - February 23, 2024
Internal tracking for React Native usage
3.0.0 - October 26, 2023
Support for Binary Framework
Support for Swift Package Manager
Updated minimum iOS version requirement to 12.
The main api class renamed from 'BlueConicClient' to 'BlueConic'.
2.9.0 - September 4, 2023
Support for Swift 5.8.1
Set (if empty) not setting values in Rule Based form listener.
Error on lightbox without content.
Order of plugin disposal/recreation after a page switch is incorrect.
2.8.10 - March 1, 2022
Support for Swift 5.7.2
2.8.9 - June 7, 2022
Support for Swift 5.6.1
Add increment method to BlueConic SDK for iOS.
Sending information on deleted properties for RPC hash getProperties is not supported.
2.8.8 - November 24, 2021
Set (if empty) not setting in Behavior Listener for Mobile SDK.
2.8.7 - September 27, 2021
Support for Swift 5.5
BlueConic SDK for iOS has a cache file that does not get cleared; slows the app down.
Clean up outdated files.
2.8.6 - May 3, 2021
BlueConic SDK for iOS creating a new profile for each pageview event. By setting bc_shared=false in the Info.plist a dedicated BlueConic cookie store is used.
Support for Swift 5.4
2.8.5 - November 3, 2020
The logic in `setUrl` to only call `setHostname` when `debug` mode is `true` to avoid invalid URL as overrule hostname.
Issue in the simulator mechanism to not overrule the hostname when `debug` mode is `false`.
2.8.4 - September 20, 2020
Support for iOS 14
New method `setMobileAdId(mobileAdId)` that can be used to programmatically set the IDFA/ Mobile Advertising UID, to apply for the new rules regarding privacy, data tracking, and IDFA.
The `GlobalListener` will no longer auto-detect and set the IDFA/ Mobile Advertising UID. The profile properties "Mobile Ad Id (Most Recent)" `mobile_ad_id` & "Mobile Ad Id (all)" `mobile_ad_ids` are removed from this listener, and can be set/stored via the new method `setMobileAdId`.
2.8.3 - July 16, 2020
A small issue in `EngagementService` where multiple items were stored with pipes (`|`) instead of separate values.
2.8.2 - June 16, 2020
BlueConicEventManager uses the BlueConic DispatchQueue.
Changed the GlobalListener to collect data without any `Context` to also support non-`ViewController` pages.
Debug statements around connecting with the Simulator.
New method `setURL(url) -> Bool` to connect with the Simulator and retrieve a status `true` or `false` when the connection succeeded.
Multithreading issues when registering Events via the `BlueConicEventManager`.
2.8.1 - April 27, 2020
Process of `Segments` during a register of a `PAGEVIEW` event.
Support for callback methods, design for `ReactNative`-module.
2.8.0 - April 17, 2020
The internal property of the ViewController `context` to a `weak` variable, to avoid keeping a refers to this.
The `context` statement to be optional `PAGEVIEW` and/or custom events, can now trigger an event without the need of a `ViewController`.
Support for Swift 5.2
New method `registerPluginClass :className` to register custom `BlueConicPlugin` classes, registering plugins and specify on class name.
New method `getSegments` retrieve all segments where the profile belongs to. BlueConic Segments are retrieved when there is a `PAGEVIEW` event created.
New method `hasSegment` validate if a profile is in a certain segment, based on Segment ID.
New method `createEvent :properties :completion` - Create event method with a callback/ completion mechanism to do follow up actions at the time BlueConic retrieved new data from the servers.
New method `createEvent :data :completion` - Create event method with a callback/ completion mechanism to do follow up actions at the time BlueConic retrieved new data from the servers.
New method `updateProfile` - Update the profile instantly push/ sync all profile property data with the profile on the BlueConic tenant.
New method `updateProfile :completion` - Update the profile method with callback/ completion mechanism to do follow up actions at the time BlueConic retrieve new profile data from the servers.
New method `getInstance` - Retrieve an instance without sending a ViewController along, improvement on the method calls `getInstance(nil)'.
New methods for `InteractionContext` to call within your `BlueConicPlugin`:
`getInteractionTypeId` The ID of the interaction type.
`getPluginType` The type of the plugin.
Extra accessibility for other (UI) Frameworks - not using `ViewController`s
The issue for `addRefusedObjective` not pushing refused objectives.
Running background tasks on the main thread.
2.7.0 - February 17, 2020
The deprecated `UIWebView` to `WKWebView`.
Support for custom/ timeline events with context `createEvent`- custom events are now sent to BlueConic servers and could be used to store these events on the timeline.
Clear the events on `BlueConicClient` level when a `PAGEVIEW` event is called.
Execute all published `Events` after the `onLoad` of all plugins is called, so none of the published `Event`s are missing for these calls.
Moved `BlueConicEventFactory` and `BlueConicEventManager` from `Plugin`-directory to `BlueConicClient`. This is now part of the `main`.
New privacy legislation methods `getPrivacyLegislation` and `setPrivacyLegislation`.
New Objectives getter methods `getConsentedObjectives`, `getRefusedObjectives`.
New Objectives setters methods `setConsentedObjectives`, `setRefusedObjectives`.
New Objectives adders methods `addConsentedObjective`, `addRefusedObjective`.
New method `isEnabled` and `setEnabled` to enable or disable the BlueConicClient SDK programmatically.
New method `registerPluginClass` to register custom `BlueConicPlugin` classes, registering plugins.
New method `createEvent: withData` that supports a map `[String: Any]`
New methods for `InteractionContext` to call within your `BlueConicPlugin`:
`getName` The name of the interaction
`getPluginType` The type of the plugin
`getPositionName` The name of the (channels) position
`getDialogueId` The ID of the dialogue ( Only used for `Action`s )
`getDialogueName` The Name of the dialogue ( Only used for `Action`s )
Handle all events between `PAGEVIEW` event and the plugins `onLoad` method correctly.
Don't store the invalid value (`00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000`) to profile property `Mobile Ad ID`.
Crashes around registering plugin classes. Issue `objc_getClassList` when the parameter is not a `MutablePointer`.
All `cleanup`-event calls in `Listeners` this is no longer required this is no managed by `BlueConicClient` instead by the `BlueConicPlugin`s individually.