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Variants Table Insight

BlueConic Dialogues offer different ways to converse with your customers and visitors. Creating dialogue variants lets you further customize the conversation and test content variations. In the Variants Table insight, you can see the results of these optimized dialogues and compare performance for views, clicks, direct conversions, and how your variants performed.

The Variants Table insight and its controls

To create an insight, select Insights from the BlueConic navigation bar, create or select a dashboard, choose Add insight, and search for "Variants Table." Select Configure this insight or select the configuration icon (cog wheel) to set up the insight, choosing which dialogues to measure and which metrics to display in the insight's table columns.

Here's an example Variants Table insight showing dialogue names with distribution percentages and a range of marketing metrics, including views, clicks, and direct conversions, as well as unique and total counts, indirect conversions, and dozens of ratios and lift ratios.

How to see how content dialogues and variants perform for views, clicks, and conversions in BlueConic A/B testing

Information in the Variants Table

  • The Variants Table insight shows the names of the selected dialogue(s) and related variants, along with marketing metrics for every variant of the dialogue.
  • The "Export" option lets you to download the statistics in Excel file format.
  • You can sort the list of dialogues and variants by state: Green shows dialogues and variants that are turned on, yellow for suspended, and red for off. Within a dialogue, you can sort its variants by status as well.

Adding and configuring the Variants Table insight

How do I visualize results of A/B tests with dialogues and variants for marketing metrics in the BlueConic CDP?


To choose specific dialogues to show in the insight, select Show one or more. Then you can search for and select dialogues by name. Select Show all to include all dialogues.

Table columns

Using the Table columns tab, you can select metrics you want to see in the table. There are dozens of metrics tracked, so you can customize this list. Or you can start with the basic set of recommended metrics and add or delete metrics. (Distribution, the first metric in the list, shows the percentage of people who see the original dialogue versus the variant(s).)

Note: If a dialogue or variant is turned off, its ratios show as - (instead of zero).

Tip: If you are comparing metrics, it can help to repeat a column, or columns, in the Variants Table. You do this by adding the column name in the Search box and selecting it.
How do I visualize views clicks conversions and marketing metrics for content A/B tests in BlueConic?
Additional Metrics: To add additional metrics to the Variants Table display, click in the Search to add additional metrics... box. Listed under "Other columns" are dozens of additional marketing metrics, including ratios and lift ratios. The lift ratios are calculated for variants against the control group for their respective dialogues. Review the article Metrics for views, clicks, and conversions for a description of these marketing metrics.
How to track and visualize customer marketing metrics in reports in BlueConic?



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