Use the Segment Percentage KPI insight to see the number of profiles in a selected segment as a percentage of the number of profiles in another selected segment.
The Segment Percentage KPI insight and its controls
Here is an example insight based on the Segment Percentage KPI type of insight:
The insight takes the time period setting of the dashboard into account. This is indicated by the clock icon in the top left. When you select a time period for the dashboard, the percentage changes to display the profiles in the segments for the selected time period.
When you have selected a time period for the dashboard and select the "Compare with previous" option, the insight shows a percentage indicating the difference between the percentage of the current period compared to the percentage of the previous period.
Configuring the Segment Percentage KPI insight
Learn more about BlueConic customer segments
To learn more about customer segmentation, see Creating dynamic customer segments in BlueConic.