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Profile Distribution Graph Insight
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Use the Profile Distribution Graph insight to visualize the distribution of a BlueConic profile property across a customer segment, and also the relationship of this data to other profile properties.

For example, for a segment called "Active Orders" you might want to see how the average order value is distributed across profiles in this segment.

How to set up a Profile Distribution Graph insight on a BlueConic dashboard

Displaying customer data on the X-axis and two Y-axes

  • The X-axis shows a profile property of type number, decimal, or currency. You can set ranges for the values in this profile property.

  • The left and right Y-axes can show either the number, percentage, or cumulative percentage of profiles in the current segment, or an additional profile property. The (optional) right Y-axis is plotted as a trend line.

Configuring a Profile Distribution Graph insight

Place the Profile Distribution Graph insight on a BlueConic Dashboard to review the population distribution for a profile property, or compare the sum, cumulative percentage, or average value for one or more profile properties.

To set up the insight, click "Configure this insight" or open the configuration tool by clicking the gear icon.

How to set up the Profile Distribution Graph insight in BlueConic to measure and visualize customer order and transaction data


Select a customer segment whose profile values you want to plot.

X-axis settings

Profile property

Select an existing profile property of type number, currency, or decimal, whose values you want to display on the X-axis. Note that profile properties you select must be marked "Available for segmentation" in the Profile property settings page.


To display the values of the profile property over one or more ranges, click the Add range button, and set up each range:

  • Add a label and minimum and maximum values for each range on the X-axis.

  • Adding more ranges provides a more detailed view of your data.

  • Ranges do not need to be of equal size.

  • You can include all the values below or above a certain point by leaving out the "Min" or "Max" value.

  • When setting range values, note that Minimum range values are exclusive, and Maximum values are inclusive. So if you set Min=0 and Max=10, the range will exclude 0 but include the values 0.5 and 10.

How to display customer profile data in BlueConic for orders and transactions using insights and dashboards

Y-axis settings

On the two Y-axes, you can display metrics calculate for the profiles in the current segment:

  • Metrics about the quantity of profiles--the number, percentage, or cumulative percentage--for a specific value range.

  • The average or sum for a profile property for all the profiles within a specific value range.

Note: Profile properties you select must be marked "Available for segmentation" in the Profile property settings.

Left axis

  • Profiles: On the left Y-axis, show a bar chart with the number, percentage, or cumulative percentage of profiles in the current segment.

  • Profile property: Choose a profile property, and display on the left Y-axis the average value, sum, sum of the percentage, or sum of cumulative percentage for the values in this customer segment. Note that profile properties you select must be marked "Available for segmentation" in the Profile property settings page.

Right axis (Optional, displays a trend line)

Use the optional settings for the right Y-axis to add an indicator (the orange line) to show additional metrics for the number or percentages of profiles, or for an additional profile property.

How to set up the Profile Distribution Graph to display customer order and transaction data in BlueConic
  • Profiles: On the right Y-axis, show the number, percentage, or cumulative percentage of profiles in the current segment.

  • Profile property: Choose a profile property and display its values for this customer segment on the Y-axis. You can choose whether the trend line should show the average value, sum, sum of the percentage, or sum of the cumulative percentage.
    Note: Profile properties you select must be marked "Available for segmentation" in the Profile property settings page.

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