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Post Processor Connection
Updated over 3 months ago

What: The Post Processor Connection is used to apply data processors to data that is currently in BlueConic. Typically, processors are applied when importing data through a connection for a particular system (e.g., Snowflake Connection, SFTP Connection); however, through the Post Processor Connection, you can apply any BlueConic processor to any segment of profiles regardless of how or when they were imported.

Why: This connection allows you to clean up or transform your existing data to better ensure consistency and accuracy. For instance, you can apply the Email cleansing data processor if the email addresses in your profiles contain common typing errors or are not formatted properly.

Important notes

  • This is a specialized plugin that is not available on all tenants out of the box. To install it, review the section Installing the Post Processor Connection below.

  • You cannot perform other cleanup tasks with this connection, such as creating or deleting profiles or deleting Timeline events.

Use cases for the Post Processor Connection

There are several reasons why you would apply data processors to data already in BlueConic:

  • Data was imported into BlueConic using a connection that does not support data processors, and you now want to apply processors to that data. (The list of connections that do support data processors can be found here.)

  • Data was imported through a connection, but you forgot to apply a particular processor or decided to apply different ones.

  • You added data via the REST API.

  • You added data from the Web via listeners or client-side connections.

Installing the Post Processor Connection

By default, the Post Processor Connection is not installed in BlueConic. To install it, navigate to BlueConic settings > Plugins, click the Add plugin button at the top right, and register the following external URL:

For more detailed instructions, review the article Overview: What are BlueConic plugins?. And if you need further assistance, reach out to BlueConic Support.

Creating a Post Processor Connection

In your tenant, use the following steps to create a new Post Processor Connection:

  1. Click Connections in the BlueConic navigation menu.

  2. Click the Add connection button at the top right.

  3. In the window that opens, enter "post processor" in the search bar to find this connection.

  4. Click the Post processors option.

  5. At the top of the connection page, expand or collapse the metadata fields by clicking the gray chevron at the top. This section allows you to mark the object as a favorite, add labels to it, write a description for it, and enable email notifications about failed (or successful) runs.

  6. Enter a name for your connection at the top, switch the connection ON, and save your settings.

Setting up your Post Processor Connection

To apply data processors through the Post Processor Connection, you need to configure individual goals like you would with other BlueConic connections. Through these goal pages, you select the processors to apply, determine what profiles to apply them to, and apply mapping to store the results in profiles (as described below).


Once you add the Post Processor Connection from the Connections page, one of these goals automatically appears in the left panel for you to configure. If you want to set up different configurations, you can add more goals by clicking the Add goal button at the bottom of that panel and selecting the Apply post processor option.

Note: Upon adding this connection, you are directed to a blank Set up page. Once you configure and save a goal, you can use this page to manually run the connection, schedule runs, and view the run history.

Configuring connection goals

A goal page for this connection includes the following sections to configure. (With each section you configure, the number of affected profiles updates at the top right.)

  1. Select segment: Select one segment in your tenant that you want to apply processors to. Data will be processed for all profiles in that segment (For more on segments, review the article Creating dynamic customer segments.)

  2. Select how to run: Determine how the connection can be run by choosing one or both of these options:

    • In batch (i.e., the data processors you select in step 4 are applied based on a particular schedule that you define on the Set up page)

    • In real-time (i.e., the data processors are applied immediately when certain properties get updated on a profile). Once you select this real-time option, a field opens underneath to select those trigger properties.

  3. Profile properties to use: Select any profile properties that contain data you want to process.

  4. Select data processors: Select the data processors you want to apply. After selecting a processor, click the cog-wheel icon next to that processor to configure it further. (For instance, for the Convert value processor, you can determine what action the system should take for properties with no value.)

  5. Define the mapping: Use the mapping feature to ensure that the processed data is stored in the appropriate profile properties. For instance, if you want your cleansed email addresses to appear in a separate property, you would select "cleansed email" in the field on the left and the profile property you want to store them in on the right.

    • Note: If you want to update an existing profile property with your processed data, you would select "cleansed email" on the left and the original property on the right.

  6. Run the connection: Navigate back to the Set up page to run the connection in batch. On that page, you can manually run the connection by clicking Run now, or schedule your run for later by clicking the cog-wheel button.

Privacy management

Connections can be added to Objectives, allowing for privacy management of the information that is being picked up. A connection will only process the profiles of visitors who have consented to at least one of the objectives that the connection is linked to.

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