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Create Customer Segments
Updated over a week ago

A BlueConic segment is a dynamic group of customers or visitors defined by attributes, behaviors, interests, and demographic, psychographic, or technographic properties. Segments update in real time, are multidimensional, and require no coding to set up or expand.

Users—both known and anonymous—can be segmented using simple or complex filters, enabling personalized engagement at the right moment. A single user can belong to multiple segments, such as "under 35 years old," "interested in football," "referred by social media," and "read December newsletter." By continuously updating profile data, BlueConic ensures that segmentation remains accurate and relevant for real-time customer interactions.

Learn more: Visit BlueConic University

See the Introduction to Segments video in BlueConic University.

Create a customer segment

To build a customer segment in BlueConic, follow these steps:

  1. Click Add Segment at the top of the Segments window.

  2. A new segment appears, and you can enter a name for the segment.

  3. (Optional) Edit the segment metadata, including marking it as a favorite, assigning labels, giving a description, or restricting edit access.

Add segment conditions

At the top of the screen you can see the number of profiles the segment currently contains. When you first create a segment, and there are no restrictions in place yet, you see the total number of available profiles. To add restrictions, you will select conditions for your segment. These conditions can be another segment, an Objective, a profile property (if marked for segmentation), or a group property.

  1. Click on the Select Condition dropdown menu and choose a condition type.

  2. A pop-up window will appear with all existing matches for your condition type. You can search for a particular property by typing in the search box. If a matching profile property does not exist, you can create one. Select the property you want to add it to the segment.

  3. When you select a profile property, the values you can filter on appear. Segment filter options will depend on your property type.

  4. Add as many conditions as necessary for your segment. You can hover over existing conditions to edit or remove them.

  5. Save your segment.

Edit a segment

Clicking into a segment will show you its configuration settings for editing. Additionally, it will show you the Related Items widget, which displays objects directly linked to the segment you’re managing. These include Connections, Dashboards, Dialogues and Dialogue Variants (interactions using the segment), Lifecycles (segments used in entrance, stage, or exit criteria), and Profile or Group Properties (conditions applied to the segment).

Copy, extend, or create an inverse segment

  • Copy: Select Save as from the Save drop-down.

  • Extend: Select Extend existing segment in the upper right corner and choose existing segments to serve as the basis for the new segment conditions. Only profiles that are members of all the selected segments and meet the conditions are part of the new segment.

  • Inverse: Select Create inverse from the Save drop-down. Inverse segments will be populated with profiles not in the current segment.

Next steps


How can I view segment statistics?

  • In the right-hand sidebar, the "number of profiles" widget displays statistics on this segment, showing the number of profiles in the selected segment over time.

  • Click on the graph in the sidebar widget to see a detailed view of the graph. The X axis represents the time period, and the Y axis represents the number of profiles that belong to the segment. If the line in the graph contains points that stand for individual days or months, hovering over it shows statistics for that period of time.

  • You can change the view of the line graph by adjusting the range of values that are shown as well as the time period. You can also export the values shown in the graph to inspect them in external applications.

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