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Navigation Overview
Updated over a month ago

This article will walk you through the basic layout and navigation in the platform.

Feature navigation tables

BlueConic standardizes the way you interact with objects. When you click into a feature tab in the platform, you will see a feature navigation table.

The navigation table shows all existing objects and their status, for example:

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The table shows an alphabetically ordered list of feature with the details of each in a number of columns. Click on the header of a column to sort or reverse-sort the overview. A blue dot behind the name indicates the object you visited last.

Start typing in the search field to limit the overview only to items with matching text:

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You can narrow down the feature information displayed in the table by using filters. Select from a list of predefined filters:

Selecting a filter set narrows down the list of items to those matching the filter set. You can also create your own filter set on the fly by choosing filters from the list of filter options. For example, to only see items modified in the last week, click the "+" icon to open "Last Modified" and click "Last week":


You will notice that a filter condition is added to the top of the list:

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Any condition you select is added to this list of filter conditions. To remove any filter condition, click the "x" icon. This also works while the filter menu is open. When you are done creating your personal filter, click Done.


You can also change the information that is being shown in the overview. Open the "Columns" menu and pick the columns that you would want to see, or deselect the ones that you do not want to see:

How to use the Columns menu in BlueConic object navigation

This way you can customize BlueConic to show you what you need. Which columns are available depends on the type of objects that you're navigating. For example, dialogues will have a "Last View" column to show when they were last viewed on the channel, whereas segments will have a "Number of Profiles" column to show the size of the segment.

Searching for items in BlueConic

In BlueConic, the Search feature helps you easily find and navigate to items throughout BlueConic. You can use either the Global Search option or, if you still can't find what you are looking for, you can use the Advanced Search in order to narrow the number of results.

Global Search

The Search field is always available for locating items in BlueConic. You'll find it in the upper right part of the BlueConic navigation bar:

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You can search for all items in BlueConic. When you type a full or partial string in the Quick Search field, the matching results are shown in a drop-down list to a maximum of 20. To the left of the matching results, the item's type is shown. The "Top Hit" is the item that BlueConic deems the most relevant. To navigate to an item, click it in the list.

Advanced Search

Using the Advanced Search, you can search for items in BlueConic using a wide variety of filters. For example, you can search for an item according to its type, creation date, status, or any combination of the available filters.

If what you are searching for does not appear in the Quick search results, you can click the "Advanced Search" option at the bottom of the results in order to perform an advanced search. You can also go directly to the Advanced Search by clicking the magnifying glass in the right part of the search field (when it is empty):

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Advanced Search filters

In the left pane of the Advanced Search, the search filters are listed. Next to each filter, the number of items that currently match that filter are shown in parentheses. The list of filter options includes:

  • Type

    • Note: This filter is always available. The other filters may or may not be available depending on their relevance to the current search.

  • Labels

  • Last modified date

    • Options include: Last day, Last week, Last 30 days, Period

  • Creation date

    • Options include: Last day, Last week, Last 30 days, Period

  • Last modified by

  • Status

    • Available options are "Active" or "Inactive"

  • Property

  • Plugin

  • Position

    • To search for dialogues using a specific channel position

  • Domain

  • Audience

  • Category

  • Favorites

  • Edit rights

  • Start date

    • Based on the date the item becomes active. Options include: Last day, Last week, Last 30 days, Period

  • End date

    • Based on the date the item becomes inactive. Options include: Last day, Last week, Last 30 days, Period

  • Channel

To select a filter, expand the section and click the checkbox next to a filter. You can select multiple filters in order to narrow your search.

To remove a filter from the search parameter, you can either deselect the checkbox next to it in the left pane or close it by clicking the "x" next to it at the top of the search results.

Sorting Advanced Search results

The results of an advanced search can be sorted in the following ways.

Sort type



Results are sorted according to their relevance. The relevance of an item is determined using an algorithm that produces a score. The higher the score, the more relevant the item is determined to be. Items that have a newer last modified date are considered more relevant than older items.

Name (A-Z)

Items are sorted from A to Z according to their name.

Name (Z-A)

Items are sorted from Z to A according to their name.

Last modified date (recent first)

Items are sorted by the date they were last modified with the most recent date appearing at the top of the list.

Last modified date (recent last)

Items are sorted by the date they were last modified with the oldest appearing at the top of the list.

Creation date (recent first)

Items are sorted by the date they were created with the most recent date appearing at the top of the list.

Creation date (recent last)

Items are sorted by the date they were created with the oldest appearing at the top of the list.

Permissions, edit rights, and search results

Permissions and edit rights are enforced when you search for items in BlueConic. For example, if you do not have permission to manage domains and channels, then these items will not appear in your search results. Items to which you do not have edit rights appear in the search results in gray and italics, but you still are able to navigate to them.

Related items

In the right-hand sidebar of most features, you will see the "related items" widget. This widget shows the other BlueConic objects that are directly related to the object you are managing -- for example, the connections, lifecycles, data processors, timeline events, or other plugins and objects related to the one you're currently viewing.

Open an object in BlueConic and then open the right-hand sidebar to see and navigate to other BlueConic related items. You can click on the related items to navigate there directly.

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