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January 2019 Product Updates

Note: You've landed on some older release notes from our early days. Learn about current BlueConic features and CDP use cases in the BlueConic Knowledge Base.

Most recent BlueConic product updates

For current BlueConic product updates, visit the BlueConic Release Notes section.

New Profile Identifiers Insight for targeting and analytics

Our new Profile Identifiers insight shows which unique identifiers are known for a selected segment of profiles. Examples of unique identifiers include login name, email address, customer ID, or phone number. This feature lets you see at a glance how many profiles contain a value for a unique identifier or identifiers.

Having this insight helps you target customers and visitors -- and know which identifier to target for future data collection. Understanding which identifiers are low may also help you to refine forms or to ask for missing information from customers.

How to measure your customer recognition ratio in BlueConic Profile Identifiers Insight

Learn more about the Profile Identifiers Insight.

Profile matching from BlueConic to BlueConic

You can match identifiable profiles between two BlueConic tenants using the new BlueConic to BlueConic connection. This update lets you optionally specify profile properties that are unique identifiers to be used for matching. If you don't specify profile properties here, BlueConic will match profiles using the BlueConic profile identifier.
How to measure your BlueConic customer recognition ratio and identify unique identifiers

More connections

  • The SFTP connection and Amazon Web Services (S3) connection will warn you if a data import to BlueConic might overwrite an existing BlueConic profile property. This message is particularly helpful when you're doing a bulk mapping with a large number of mappings, to prevent you from accidentally overwriting data.
    How to import data from Amazon Web Services (S3) connection to BlueConic
  • The SFTP connection and Amazon Web Services (S3) connection have both also benefitted from loading speed improvements (especially with multiple goals and mappings) and new matching on profile IDs.
  • The Salesforce Marketing Cloud connection supports multiple time zones, which means you can set the time zone for an export to Salesforce Marketing Cloud via FTP and Salesforce will schedule its import of your file based on the correct time zone.
    How to sync data between Salesforce Marketing Cloud and BlueConic
  • Improvements to the Profile Import connection have restored the application verification for connecting with Google Drive. BlueConic users can re-authenticate and create new connections with Google Drive.
  • Added troubleshooting assistance to the Facebook Advertising connection to help you resolve account issues that might interrupt the connection. Learn more about connection status.
  • The Google BigQuery connection allows matching by the BlueConic unique profile identifier, enabling you to download profile data, then enrich and re-upload the profile data to enrich BlueConic profiles.
    How to sync first-party customer profile data between Google BigQuery and BlueConic

All the little things

  • In the Behavior Listener, the URL or referrer can be set to empty when the referring hostname is empty.
    How to collect customer marketing data using the BlueConic Behavior Listener
  • For profile merging, a new merge strategy uses the oldest, or first stored value, for the Origin of profile, Entry page, and First visit profile properties. Learn more about profile merging in BlueConic.

    How do merge profiles for identity resolution with BlueConicHow to merge profile origin data with BlueConic

Sneak peek at features to come

New Higher Logic Connection

Enrich your marketing data in Higher Logic with data from BlueConic profiles. By exporting profile data from BlueConic to Higher Logic contacts, you can share first-party customer data from BlueConic profiles to Higher Logic groups.

How to sync first-party data for customer marketing between Higher Logic and BlueConic



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