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February 2019 Product Updates
Updated over 3 months ago

Note: You've landed on some older release notes from our early days. Learn about current BlueConic features and CDP use cases in the BlueConic Knowledge Base.

Most recent BlueConic product updates

For current BlueConic product updates, visit the BlueConic Release Notes section.

New Higher Logic Connection

Enrich your marketing data in Higher Logic (formerly called Real Magnet) with data from BlueConic profiles. By exporting profile data from BlueConic to Higher Logic contacts, you can share first-party customer data from BlueConic profiles to Higher Logic groups. This connection supports batch export.

How to connect BlueConic first-party customer profile data to Higher Logic formerly Real Magnet

Learn more about the Higher Logic Connection.

Store values or timestamps submitted in BlueConic forms in a profile property

Data collection from BlueConic forms has gotten easier. Now you can store a value or a timestamp in a profile property directly when your customer or user submits a form or clicks a button in form.

You can use this new feature in the BlueConic forms toolbar to set a profile property to know that a form was sent, which form, and at what time. You can also use it to set a profile property when a certain button is clicked.

This makes it easier to collect data such as a timestamp for audit purposes.

How to set time stamps in BlueConic first-party customer profile data

Note that the value submitted to a profile property must be of the correct data type for the profile property where you're storing it. For example, if the data type of the profile property is "text" you can store any value from the form. Time and date values can only be added to existing profile properties of the "date time" data type. Learn more about profile property data types.

How to set date and time data for customer profiles for GDPR and CCPA compliance with BlueConic

Learn more about using the BlueConic Forms toolbar.

New BlueConic Use Case Playbooks

Ever wonder how to get started with a specific use case? We've launched a new set of use case playbooks in the BlueConic Knowledge Base to help you take your first steps. These playbooks provide step-by-step guidance to use cases in our Customer Data Platform Readiness Assessment to help you make the most of BlueConic. For example:

  • Use metering to improve conversions

  • Enable consent management

Try the new BlueConic playbooks

Tell us what you want to accomplish, and we'll help you get there! See the new BlueConic use case playbooks:


  • Accelerate lead generation campaigns

  • Reduce ad waste


  • Prevent and recover funnel abandonment

  • Use metering to improve conversions


  • Deliver 1:1 content and product recommendations


  • Build a single source of customer data truth

  • Enable consent management

Added Roles column to the Users overview

We have added a “Roles” column to the BlueConic Users overview so you can see at a glance which roles are set for your BlueConic users. Choose Users from the BlueConic settings menu (gear icon) to see existing BlueConic users and their roles. Learn more about users and roles in BlueConic.

Looking ahead

We have new features in the works to help improve your productivity and to make it easier to analyze your marketing conversion metrics:

  • Updating segments will be faster and easier with a new 'Select all' feature. We're adding a checkbox option to let you select multiple options at once.

  • Watch for design improvements to the Dialogues table that will make it easier and more efficient to sort and analyze your dialogue data for views, clicks, conversions, and ratios.

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