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FAQ: Content recommendations

FAQ: Personalized content recommendations

Q: What is the BlueConic Content Store?

The content store is a pool of content items to be recommended, gathered using the BlueConic Content Collector Connection. This connection collects data about your content and stores it in a BlueConic content store, which feeds personalization in BlueConic. See the CDP use case for delivering 1:1 content recommendations.

Q: What happens if I change my content collector settings?

Changing or updating the selector field for your content collector could result in unwanted data duplication. When collecting articles, the content collector checks the content store for a matching ID. If it finds a matching ID, it will update the existing item in the content store with the new metadata. For this reason, we do not recommend changing the ID selector on your content collector, as this can lead to duplicate items being created in your content store.

Q: How do I add content recommendations to emails?

A: Using the Open-Time Email Recommendations feature, you can deliver dynamic, individualized content or product recommendations via email based on up-to-the-minute customer data. These recommendations are updated the moment your customers open their email.

Q: I removed an article from my page. When will it be removed from the recommended items?

A: A content item will be added to a queue to be deleted when the required fields can no longer be scraped in the browser of the visitor, even if a visitor views the item -- for example, if the article has been deleted or if the publication date is no longer available.

Q: I cannot see item X in my personalization recommendations. What could cause this?

A: Items or articles are added to the recommendations queue when a customer or visitor views the item. Articles that have no views from customers or visitors won’t be added to the queue.

Items in the recommendations queue are evaluated and if the required fields become valid, those articles are added to the content store for personalization.

Q: How does Indexing work with personalized content recommendations?

A: Indexing items may take some time while when the collector is still collecting items Depending on how much traffic your channel has, there might be a short delay indexing content items when the collector is still actively collecting items. 

Q: When will my item be added to the queue to be evaluated?

A: Items are added to the queue for the first time when a visitor views an article. Also, when an item or content article has been clicked on twice, but no view follows the click, the system checks for all required fields and re-evaluates whether to include or delete the item.

Q: How can I test which content items are in the collector?

A: In Step 2 of the Collector, you can test to see which values are being returned. Paste a content item's URL into the Test URL field, click 'Test' to review the metadata that would be collected for its content, and then confirm whether all 'Required' metadata fields are returning values.

If values are not being returned for required fields, then items are not being collected successfully.


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