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Adobe Audience Manager Connection

What: The Adobe Audience Manager Connection allows you to enrich the information in an existing Adobe Audience Manager DMP account. The connection can feed segment or profile information from BlueConic to Adobe Audience Manager by triggering an HTTP request to Adobe Audience Manager.

About BlueConic: The BlueConic customer data platform harnesses the data required to power the recognition of an individual at each interaction and then synchronizes their intent across the marketing ecosystem.

Why: BlueConic features a unique data collection engine that stores data at the customer level for known and anonymous users. Look-alike audiences and retargeting campaigns can be greatly improved through the use of this data. 

For the connection to work, you must have set up the Adobe Audience Manager tag on your pages.

Configuring the Adobe Audience Manager connection

Configuration takes the following options:

Adobe Audience Manager Settings

Base URL
The Base URL should contain the Adobe Audience Manager hostname and event context. BlueConic will append the custom parameters to this Base URL and make the call to Adobe Audience Manager.
Push Frequency
The Push Frequency determines when BlueConic data will be sent to Adobe Audience Manager. Three options are available:
  • Each page view
  • Only when the variables change
  • Once per visit
  • On permission-level change

Custom Parameters

Under "Custom Parameters" the connection between Adobe Audience Manager variables and BlueConic values is established. Click the button Add Custom Parameter to add a new rule. To remove an existing custom parameter, click the delete icon on the right of the line.

Custom Parameter (required)
Enter the name of the variable in Adobe Audience Manager that will hold the value sent by BlueConic.
BlueConic Value Type
Choose one of:
  • Profile Property: use the value of a BlueConic Profile Property in the visitors profile. If multiple values are available for the selected Profile Property, values will be pipe-separated. Under value detail select the profile property that will hold the value to send.
  • BlueConic Profile Identifier: the value of the BlueConic Profile identifier will be used.
  • Associated Segments: use the names of all associated BlueConic segments as value. Segment names will be pipe ("|") separated.

    Click "All segments" to select and send only specific segments instead of all segments.

    Search and select a segment and enter an optional code to use instead of the name of the segment. If you do not provide a code, the name of the segment will be used.

    If you want to push the associated Segments of a visitor, the option "Expose the segments that the visitor is part of" on the BlueConic Settings > Privacy tab in BlueConic must be enabled.

  • All viewed Interactions: Use the names of all viewed BlueConic interactions (for the current page view) as value. Names will be pipe-separated.
  • Permission Level: Value of the BlueConic permission management setting of the visitor (DO_NOT_TRACK, ANONYMOUS, or PERSONAL).
  • Text: The value will be a fixed text. Enter the text string you want to use as value.

Connection status

The logos at the top of the page provide an overview of the connection status:

There is an arrow going from BlueConic to Adobe Audience Manager, meaning data is being exported. Also, the arrow is green which means the connection is ready to go.

Privacy management

Connections can be added to Objectives, allowing for privacy management of the information that is being picked up. A connection will only process the profiles of visitors who have consented to at least one of the objectives that the connection is linked to.


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