Note: You've landed on some older release notes from our early days. Learn about current BlueConic features and use cases in the BlueConic Knowledge Base.
Most recent BlueConic product updates
For current BlueConic product updates, visit the BlueConic Release Notes page.
How did it get to be December? It’s getting dark early, but the holiday season is coming! We’ve got some early gifts for you highlighted in this latest edition of our monthly product update newsletter!
Coming Soon: Product Recommendations!
After introducing content recommendations in October, we’re very excited to announce their natural counterpart, product recommendations! For this extension of our real-time recommendation engine, we’re introducing new algorithms like:
Trending products
Top sellers per brand/category
Because you viewed/bought
Other customers like you also viewed/bought
Popular products on a specific day in a week or week in a year
Products correlated with profile property values in the profile (male/female, age, customer/non customer, etc.)
Algorithms can be used independently or in combination with others, just like with content recommendations.
Our extremely easy-to-use product data collector will ingest the product data from your website, including price and availability, with no complicated configuration needed. Default templates and a template editor allow recommendation placements in any shape or form you want – match your site and branding with ease!
Keep an eye on this space and our website for more in the coming weeks!
Multi language support
A large number of our customers have audiences that speak/use multiple languages. BlueConic is now fully multi language enabled. For example, you can:
Create or delete multiple language versions per variant or dialogue
Language for visitors are chosen dynamically based on browser settings, or can be overruled by using a simple client side API if you want BlueConic to listen for example to a language switch or to URLs like /en , /de /es.
Add or delete languages as well as set the default
Fallback to default language for a dialogue if there is no specified language version
Use retrieval of default language for the visitor from browser settings, or overrule that selection by using a simple client side API if you want BlueConic to listen to a language switch or to /en , /de /es in the URLs.
Object Navigation Enhancements
Object navigation was added in the autumn and even though that seems so long ago, it’s only been a few months. Since the launch, we’ve been listening to your feedback, and there were several suggestions to make it easier to be able to do a “spring cleaning” in the winter, so we’ve added the following columns in the object navigation:
What else you have to look forward to (other than Santa)
Conversion definition per variant instead of per dialogue
Sometimes you create a variant for a campaign, but you also want to set an alternative conversion point (a different thank you page for example), only for that variant.
Multiple conversion rules for a dialogue instead of only one
Sometimes one conversion point is just not enough. Imagine you have 2 ways to measure if someone signed up for your event, or bought your product, instead of one.
Here’s as sneak preview, because a picture is worth a thousand words!
Priorities for dialogues
Currently, when you set dialogues for a specific position on a page, and there are others also configured for that same position, you can’t really influence which one wins (it’s round robin now). Soon you will be able to prioritize specific dialogues! More details soon
And don’t forget about other already-announced features! Catch up on them in our previous BlueConic product release notes:
Content recommendations official roll out
Email directly after a form dialogue
Connection insights
Happiest of holidays!