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July 2016 product updates
Updated over 3 months ago

Note: You've landed on some older release notes from our early days. Learn about current BlueConic features and use cases in the BlueConic Knowledge Base.

Most recent BlueConic product updates

For current BlueConic product updates, visit the BlueConic Release Notes page.

We're proud to bring these product update notes to you for our latest and upcoming releases!

Segment Creation

Real-time customer segmentation with BlueConic

The look and feel of the customer segment builder has been overhauled, and some new segmentation features have been added! First off, you will notice that the segment overview is much easier to read: each of the profile properties used as filters stack vertically on the left, with the criteria explained to the right. At the left is where you stack filters onto your segment definition. Filters can be stacked using AND/OR logic just as was possible in the past, but the visual presentation is much cleaner.

In addition to this UI redesign, which we know you will like, we also took the opportunity to add some oft-requested features to the segment builder!

  • You can now use the same profile property for a segment definition multiple times.

  • We've made it a lot easier to find the profile properties you usually filter with.

  • We've modified profile property value search functionality. You'll find that it is a lot easier to drill down on exactly the values you want to filter with.

We think you are going to love the new segmentation features. Please do not hesitate to sent us feedback on your findings, thoughts and suggestions!

In the coming months, we are working on an option to create the inverse of an existing segment without having to define the inverse criteria manually. For example, you could create a new "all non customers" segment that is based on the "customers" segmentation criteria. We are also working on making it even easier to filter based on whether a profile property has a value or not, and even whether it contains any values besides those selected versus only containing the selected values.

New funnel listener & funnel visualization

Every website has funnels, or conversion paths we'd like users to follow, such as signup processes and checkout flows. We've added a new funnel listener that makes keeping track of where users sit within the funnel very easy. Define your own funnel and see how visitors journey through the flow, and what form fields they leave off on.

A profile property holds, for every user, where they sit within a funnel, allowing segments to be created on the data. From there, on-site interactions can speak with relevancy based on funnel completion, and off-site retargeting campaigns can be optimized for these high-intent users.

A new insight which we call "Funnel visualization" will help your team understand how users behave throughout the conversion process. Both this listener and the visual form listener were built to support single-page interfaces, so no worries if your modern Web technologies sometimes make it difficult to work with marketing platforms.

Visual Form Listener

This new listener allows you to browse your site, select a form, and enrich user profiles with data based on what your known and anonymous users enter in that form. A simple, intuitive, point-and-click interface allows you to pick the fields from the form that you want to listen to and map them to profile properties. You can even listen to forms that span across multiple pages.

The old form listener, which will continue to be very useful for certain situations, is still there and is now called "Rule Based Form Listener".

New lightbox dialogue with templates

Lightbox interactions have been getting so much use by our customers that we've spent quite a bit of time revamping our lightbox dialogues. We think you'll love what we've done to it:

  • Templates to speed up creation and design of new lightbox interactions

  • Adjust when the lightbox will appear (for example only when scrolling down to 80% of the page, or after 10 seconds)

  • How to appear (slide or fade in)

  • Close button options

  • Style settings for those who want to get in and manipulate the CSS to make the lightbox all their own

New toaster dialogue with templates

As if our lightbox revamp wasn't enough, we've made the same transition with our toaster dialogue! All of the features listed for the lightbox update are also available for toaster interactions now. Coming soon: applying the same update to slide-out interactions!

Automatic Connection Discovery

To assist in setting up connections to other platforms, we've created ‘Automatic Connection Discovery’. This means that BlueConic can now automatically discover other platforms like Facebook or Google Analytics on your website, and prompt you to configure connections. Select the ones you'd like to use and add them to BlueConic with more ease than ever before.

WordPress Plugin

A lot of customers use Wordpress. To make installing our tag a snap, you can seamlessly add BlueConic to your WordPress website by installing the BlueConic Wordpress plugin. No more editing your templates to add the script!

Smaller changes that probably make you happy:

  • We changed the sidebars so they only open when you click on it, not by hovering over it. No more accidental opening of sidebars!

  • We removed the ‘loading’ visual when you use the simulator and other embedded browser views, so you can click around much faster. Speed is good! No, speed is great!

  • We cleaned up the detected channels in the universe management tab. Less is more!

When can we get all of this?

Much of these updates, except those noted as coming soon, are already here! If you want more details on deployment status for future updates, you can always check

We've worked really hard to bring these great new features to you, and we are not done yet. We love to hear what you think, so together we can build the best CDP out there! Send us a note!

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