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Checking a Connection's Run History
Updated over 2 months ago

How to find the run history for a BlueConic connection

To check a BlueConic connection's run history, open the connection's Set up and run page and click run history. Here you can see results for each connection goal. This article describes the feedback and error messages you can see for your connection runs.

What does the connection's run history show?

Run History sample page.png
  1. An overview of the updated, created, and unchanged profiles. Profiles are only created when the “create profiles” is checked in the connection goal.

  2. Number of records checked. This number concerns the number of profile updates sent to the platform. So, if a data processor is filtering out 4 of the 10 records, the run history will state “6 checked”.

  3. Links to profiles that were created or updated. This is updated during the run and can be used to inspect profiles that have just been updated to see if the data has been imported correctly.

    Depending on your connection setup, BlueConic also shows the following:

    run history for CSV.png
  4. Number of profile updates skipped because there was a mismatch in consent. For example, a consent objective was associated with the connection, but the profile didn’t meet the consent criteria.

  5. Whether BlueConic prepared a delta file with changes compared to the last run (if applicable).

  6. Number of created timeline events (if applicable).

  7. Warning when no matching data could be found. For example, this might happen when “email” is defined as a matching rule, but the CSV does not contain a value for “email”.

During an import, the run history might resemble this example:

import run history.png

This message means the linked files are being downloaded and added to a local database.

While the main file is being read, the run history might look like this example:

file reading run history.png

Download the connection's run log file

To download a log file for a connection run, hover over a run history item and click the 'download run log file' icon on the right-hand side.

download log from connection run history.png

The connection run log shows more detailed information about the run, for example:

2024-06-04T12:45:40.683Z: Start importing 'orders.csv' 2024-06-04T12:45:42.322Z: Added data from shops.csv to the local database 2024-06-04T12:45:42.335Z: Added data from products.csv to the local database 2024-06-04T12:45:45.683Z: Using data from linked files, 135745 lines processed. for file "orders.csv" (0%), the delta file is used. 2024-06-04T12:45:48.426Z: Added data from customers.csv to the local database 2024-06-04T12:45:50.683Z: Using data from linked files, 409360 lines processed. for file "orders.csv" (0%), the delta file is used. 2024-06-04T12:45:55.683Z: Using data from linked files, 643248 lines processed. for file "orders.csv" (0%), the delta file is used. 2024-06-04T12:45:56.965Z: Added data from orderlines.csv to the local database 2024-06-04T12:45:56.971Z: Start downloading 'orders.csv' 2024-06-04T12:45:59.140Z: Invalid values found, logging the first 500 invalid values. 2024-06-04T12:45:59.140Z: Value "2024-06-04T12:45:59.118Z" is not valid for property "import_date" 2024-06-04T12:45:59.143Z: Value "2024-06-04T12:45:59.124Z" is not valid for property "import_date"

Here you can see detailed progress on the connection run, including the exact file names that are being processed (for example: orders.csv), which is especially handy when you're using a wildcard. It also shows any invalid values, for example: Value "2024-06004T12:45:59:124Z" is not valid for property "import_date".

If you have additional questions you can't resolve in authenticating or examining a connection run history, contact BlueConic Support at [email protected].

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