Preferred Visit Hour Listening enables BlueConic to pick up the time of day that a visitor prefers to visit your web or mobile channels. Each page request by the visitor scores 1 point for the current hour of day.
This listener enables you to segment your profiles based on the time of day they typically visit your web or mobile channels.
Note: This Preferred Visit Hour displays in each platform user’s local time zone (rather than a standardized time zone such as UTC). For instance, if your customer in New York prefers to visit on Saturday at 10 AM Eastern time (U.S.), a platform user in California will see that time displayed as 7 AM in their local Pacific Time (U.S.).
How to add and configure the listener
To add this listener, select the Listeners page, click Add listener, search for the Preferred Visit Hour Listener, and click the listener type. Open the new listener and configure the options shown here.
The best way to visualize the results of listening for the preferred visit hour is on a BlueConic dashboard with the Hour of Day Insight.
Privacy management
Listeners can be added to Objectives, allowing for privacy management of the information that is being picked up. The listener will only update a profile if the visitor consented to at least one of the objectives that it is linked to.