What: Track visitor arrivals and drop-offs in your sales process with Funnel listening. Use a Funnel Insight for highly actionable insights on your sales process and to drill into the specifics of abandoning. You can create segments and interactions directly from the visualization.
Why: You have sales processes on your website and want to find out where and when visitors start dropping off, in order to learn and improve your sales processes.
Configuring the Funnel Listener
Click Listeners from the BlueConic navigation menu, click Add listener, and then choose the Funnel Step listener.
Start by naming the listener. Next, specify the channels, URLs, or page where the listener should be active. If you choose a limited set of channels (instead of all pages on all channels), you can use wildcards to determine URL pattern rules that restrict the listener to certain pages. BlueConic automatically assumes a wildcard in front of and after the URL you enter:
Use "^" in front of the URL to define an exact match at the beginning.
Use "$" at the end of the URL to define an exact match at the end.
Use ".*" instead of "*" to specify a wildcard in the middle of the URL pattern.
Within the rule, you can use wildcards to specify URL patterns.
Then add a unique Funnel ID, which serves as a unique identifier for your funnel. A simple word describing the funnel will usually suffice, such as "shopcart." Just make sure the same word is not used in another Funnel Listener.
Next, define the steps that the visitor would take through the entire flow. Click Add page to start selecting and adding pages using the Visual Picker. Enter the address of your website in the Visual Picker and browse to the first page of the flow. When you are on the first page, click the blue Add page button at the bottom of the Visual Picker. A notice appears briefly saying the page has been added to the funnel flow:
Also notice that the total number of steps in the funnel flow is mentioned next to the Add page button.
Now, browse to the next page in the flow. Click the Add page button again:
Continue this process and add all other pages of your funnel flow.
When you are ready, click the Close button to close the Visual Picker. You are returned to the flow overview of the Funnel Step Listener. The overview shows thumbnails of all selected pages chained underneath each other:
To the right of each thumbnail are (editable) details of the step:
The name of the step. Click the name to edit.
The URL or web address of the page that defines the step. Click the web address to edit. Regex is also accepted for the URL.
Click the cogwheel icon if you want to add a word filter to the URL. Adding words means a visit to that page will only be counted as part of the funnel flow only if the words are present on the page.
There can be multiple pages that together define the same step. If the visitor reaches any of the pages, this is interpreted as having reached the step in the funnel flow.
To add another page, select Add URL.
To remove an existing URL, hover over the URL and click the X icon on the right.
When you are done configuring your Funnel Listener, activate it by switching it to "on" and click Save.
Profile properties created by the Funnel Listener
In addition to the unique Funnel ID that serves as a unique identifier for your funnel, the Funnel Step Listener automatically creates profile properties in customers' profiles to track the following:
Funnel steps: Track all steps the user has taken in the funnel.
Last field: Tracks any field that was in view when the user stopped in the form and is on a page within the funnel.
Busy with funnel: Lists the name of the funnel the user has entered (in cases where you have multiple funnels).
Funnel entrance: Tracks the date and time the user entered the funnel.
Last step: Tracks the last step the user made it to in the funnel.
Privacy management
Listeners can be added to Objectives, allowing for privacy management of the information that is being picked up. The listener will only update a profile if the visitor consented to at least one of the objectives that it is linked to.
Next steps
Measure your success: Now that you have defined your funnel, you will want to see it in action with a Funnel Insight on one of your dashboards.