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Recently Viewed Items Listening
Updated over 3 months ago

Recently Viewed Items listening in BlueConic enables you to pick up on the pages that the visitor viewed recently and store the name and the link as an item in a profile property. This information is typically used to display a clickable list of recently viewed items to the visitor, using the Recently Viewed Items edit toolbar item.

Using the Recently Viewed Items Listener

Using the Recently Viewed Items Listener to create a list of recently viewed pages for your site with BlueConic

To use the listener, follow these steps:

  1. Choose which pages or channels where this listener should be active.

  2. Select the profile property to hold the items or create a new profile property by entering a new profile property name.

  3. Select whether you will use the Title or the URL for segmentation.

  4. Select the maximum number of items that you want to store. Once the maximum number of items is reached, a new item will replace the oldest item on the list.

  5. Determine the life time of items by selecting the number of days after which an item will be deleted.

  6. Add one or more listening rules to record viewed items. There are two type of rules to choose from: content rules and click rules.

    1. Content rules
      A content rule allows you to record the current page as an item with the title of your choice, as well as an image. For example, you could create a content rule to keep track of product pages that have "Add to cart" on the page and the image of the product.
      You can select the following options for a content rule:

        • Title: Select "the HTML title", "Heading 1", "Header 2" or "Heading 3" to be used as a title. Alternatively, activate Custom title selector and enter a jQuery selector or pick a position with the Visual picker.

        • Image: select 'No Image' if you do not want to save an image, or use the Custom Image Selector to save images.

        • Area: Select "Any area" or pick a custom area from the page and give it a meaningful name.
          Select whether the area should "contain" or "exactly match" the given words.

        • Words: Select "Any word" if you want to match anything or use "Define word(s)" to add words or sentences that you would like to be matched.

      1. Click rules
        A click rule allows you to record the title and the linked page the link that the visitor clicks. For example, you can create a click rule to keep track of clicked links in the articles side bar.

        You can select the following options for a click rule:

        • Link text: Select "the link text" or pick a custom area from the page and give it a meaningful name. Alternatively, activate Custom title selector and enter a jQuery selector or pick a position with the Visual picker.

        • Image: select 'No Image' if you do not want to save an image, or use the Custom Image Selector to save images.

        • Area: Select "Any area" or pick a custom area from the page and give it a meaningful name.
          Select whether the area should "contain" or "exactly match" the given words.

        • Words: Select "Any word" if you want to match anything or use "Define word(s)" to add words or sentences that you would like to be matched.

        • Selector: Pick the link on a page that should be recorded whenever the visitor clicks it. You can pick a specific link (e.g. div#articles a:nth-of-type(2)), or use a more general selector to match multiple links (e.g. div#articles a).

Privacy management

Listeners can be added to Objectives, allowing for privacy management of the information that is being picked up. The listener will only update a profile if the visitor consented to at least one of the objectives that it is linked to.

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