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Engagement Listener
Updated over 3 months ago

The BlueConic Engagement Listener comes out-of-the-box on the Listeners page of your BlueConic environment. It dynamically buckets visitors into high, medium, and low levels of engagement, and gives them an engagement score.

This helps you do behavioral customer segmentation, enabling you to differentiate content, offers/promotions, and other messaging to users based on their level of engagement. For example, you can create and send unique messaging to reengage visitors with low levels of engagement, or offer discounts to highly engaged users.

How are engagement levels measured?

Engagement scores are measured by the number of visits and clicks an individual makes over time in relation to all other visitors. Recent activity is weighed more heavily than older activity.

You can reset the distribution percentage that buckets visitors into low, medium, and high engagement by clicking "Redefine Threshold" in the listener. We recommend: Low = 60%; Medium = 30%; High = 10%.

Note: Engagement thresholds depend on underlying data.

The Engagement Listener dynamically calculates thresholds based on the engagement data available in your system, which may cause saved settings to differ slightly from what you originally input. This occurs because the Listener evaluates engagement percentages in relation to the current data distribution across users. For example:

  • If engagement data is evenly distributed (e.g., user engagement scores are spread evenly from 1 to 100), the thresholds will align closely with the selected percentages.

  • If engagement data is unevenly distributed (e.g., most users have very low scores while a few have extremely high scores), thresholds may shift significantly upon recalculation, causing the distribution to display different values from your input.

For more accurate results, ensure there is sufficient and diverse engagement data before updating thresholds, as limited data can lead to unexpected threshold adjustments.

Inside an Engagement Listener

  • Listener Title: "Engagement Listener" (or edit to a name of your choice).

  • Where: Set your channel and page settings (URLs) here. You will probably want to leave this as is, scoring visitation across all pages and channels.

  • Score per channel: Select this option to calculate separate engagement scores for each of your BlueConic channels.

  • Distribution bar graph: The graph shows the percentage thresholds associated with low, medium, and high engagement. You can use the "Redefine thresholds" link to customize the percentage of profiles categorized as low, medium, or high engagement out of all (100%) of your customers and visitors.

  • Profile property: By default this is set to the "Engagement" profile property, found in the "Profile Property" page. You can also select or create a different profile property (of type "text") to store a label for the engagement score: low, medium, or high. BlueConic also creates an "Engagement Score" profile property to hold the engagement score (see "Want to set your own engagement scores?" below).

  • Decay: Choose a decay period in weeks (default = 50 weeks), over which time the engagement score will decay. This values recent engagement higher than engagement in the past. Note that visitors' engagement scores are updated only when they visit the channel again.

  • Associated segments: No need to create your own segments. The "Engagement" profile property is already bucketing high, medium, and low visitors into respective segments. Navigate to the "Segments" page in your BlueConic environment, search for "Engagement," and you will see the associated segments (image below).

Target these customer segments in your BlueConic dialogues, connections, and more.

How to create customers segments in the BlueConic CDP based on customer engagement scores

This is a dynamic and flexible way to easily bucket users from the get-go -- instead of investigating and assigning page view scores in your own segmentation, which is possible (read on).

Want to set your own engagement scores?

You will also see an "Engagement Score" profile property that is the general numeric engagement score for each visitor. The score is based on the number of visits and clicks measured over time where recent activity is weighed more than activity months ago. You can create your own segment based on setting max and/or min numerical scores with the Engagement Score profile property.

Since scores can change based on traffic flow with time, we do not have an across-the-board recommended “score” to base engagement levels on. Every site is different and every organization defines their engagement levels differently. Therefore, we recommend using our out-of-the-box Engagement Listener and Engagement: High, Medium, and Low segments based on threshold rates.

Can't find the Engagement Listener?

If you cannot find the Engagement Listener pre-installed in the "Listeners" section, you can install it from the Settings > Plugins window. Select "Add/Update Plugin" and search for "Engagement Listener."

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