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Content Special Dialogue
Updated over 3 months ago

How to replace or insert web content using BlueConic

You can use the Content Special Dialogue to replace or insert content (images, video, text) on a web-based BlueConic channel. This dialogue type differs from the BlueConic Content Dialogue because it enables you to append or prepend content to an existing channel position, instead of just replacing it. Learn more about the Content Dialogue to see which of these two methods suits your use case better.


This specialized dialogue was created outside the BlueConic product development team and does not come preinstalled in the BlueConic platform. It is not a fully supported BlueConic plugin.

Using a Content Special Dialogue to present custom content

Once the Content Special Dialogue plugin has been added to your tenant, you create the content and configure where and when it should appear. You compose the content using the (inline) text editor. For information on using the BlueConic inline text editor, see Text editor. You can use the Properties settings in the right-hand portion of the page to set styling, add JavaScript or CSS styling, select a click event, etc.

  1. Open the Dialogues page and click Create dialogue. Choose 'Content Special Dialogue' in the gallery page.

  2. Give your dialogue a name.

  3. In the Who tab, create an audience for the dialogue by selecting conditions (profile properties, group properties, etc.) that shape the segment of profiles to view the content.

  4. In the When tab, select the dialogue priority and schedule the times to show the dialogue.

  5. In the Where tab, select a BlueConic channel where the dialogue should appear.

  6. In the What tab, click (or create) a position where the dialogue should prepend or append content.
    Note while using the Dialogue editor, you can further customize the content display by opening the right-hand column and using the Properties options. Learn more about Configuring custom content dialogue properties in BlueConic.

  7. In the Why tab, add a Conversion moment to track click-through or view-through conversions.

  8. Save your settings and turn the dialogue on.


This saves your dialogue and will prepend the content added to the What tab under the conditions you set on the Who, When, Where, and Why tabs.

You can also choose the Optimization command to create and serve dialogue variants for testing and optimization. Learn more about Dialogue optimization in BlueConic.

Properties you can set for the Content Special Dialogue

In the Properties widget on the right-hand side of the page you can further customize the content display.

Name: Shows the name of the current dialogue or variant.

Plugin: Shows which plugin controls content for this dialogue (i.e. Content Special).

Insert type: Choose how to insert your custom content. You can:

  • Replace existing content in the selected position.

  • Append the new content after the selected position.

  • Prepend the new content before the selected position.

  • Replace Container entirely.

New window: Open each link in the content of the dialogue in a new Window.

Only track view when visible: By default, a view event is tracked when the configured position is found on the page. Use this option to only track a view event when the position is visible to the visitor.

Click event selector: Trigger a click when the element resolved by this (CSS) selector is clicked. You can use the Visual Picker to select.

Select an element in the page to register a click for this dialogue if the visitor or customer clicks the selected element. Use the Visual picker to choose a position on the page. A visual picker page opens where you can select the position. Learn more about selecting a content position to register a click event using the Visual picker.

Note that there are several instances where you do not need to specify a click event selector. See the What tab documentation for Dialogues for details.

Custom JavaScript: Enter custom JavaScript code to execute a custom function or to call for the JavaScript library. If jQuery is not available on your website, you can use bc.$ or bc.jQuery instead.

Custom CSS: Enter custom CSS to add styling to your content dialogue.

Testing and troubleshooting dialogues

For tips on testing your dialogues with the BlueConic Simulator, see the video and tips in Testing Your Dialogues. Also see the troubleshooting dialogues section.

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