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Editing and Testing BlueConic Dialogues
Editing and Testing BlueConic Dialogues
Updated over a month ago

Editing Content in BlueConic Dialogues

As you create content in BlueConic Dialogues, you can edit content in these two modes:

  1. The in-line editor
    This mode allows you to directly edit text and graphics within the context of a webpage. This means you can directly view the effect of other elements on the page, such as external stylesheets. It is available in the content and lightbox dialogue types.

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  2. The rich text editor
    This mode allows you to edit text and graphics in a separate window. It is available as fallback option, when in-line editing is not possible. It is also used for the email dialogue type.

    How to use the BlueConic text editor and WYSIWYG editor to create content in dialogues

If you need to, you can also switch to HTML-mode to directly view or modify the source code.

Inserting, editing, and replacing images in Dialogues

By clicking on the "insert image" button in the toolbar you will open a window where you can select an image or drag and drop it.

How do I add images to BlueConic dialogues and forms?
How do I add an image in BlueConic?

After uploading an image you can edit the image. These are the general settings you can make in this window:


Name of the selected image file. To change the image, select replace.


Title of the image. This is the text that will appear in a tooltip if you hover over the image.

ALT Text

The ALT Text is used as an alternative for the image in text-oriented browsers.


If you add a link, the image becomes clickable and readers are forwarded to the entered URL. Here you can also configure profile properties that need to be set when people click this image.

Image width and height settings

You can select the part of the image that needs to be displayed by changing the crop area in the image preview. The ratio of that crop area will be influenced by the selection you make in the width and height settings:

Width of the position

The image will be scaled to fit the width of the position. The crop area can be chosen without limitations.

Dimensions of the position

The image will be scaled to fit the dimensions of the position. The ratio of the crop area is fixed and you can only resize this area proportionally.

Dimensions of the previous image

This option is only available if the image window is opened to edit an existing image. The image will be scaled to fit the dimensions of the original image. The ratio of the crop area is fixed and you can only resize this area proportionally.


Here you can specify the exact size to which the image need to be scaled. The following situations can occur:

  • Both width and height are specified: The crop area has a fixed ratio and can only be resized proportionally.

  • Only width or height is specified: You can freely select a crop area. The image will be scaled to specified height or width.

  • Neither the width nor the height is specified: You can freely select a crop area. The image will not be scaled but will be displayed in the original resolution of the crop area.

You can also enter the edit image window by selecting an image in your content and then click the "edit" option below the image, or by double clicking it:

Inserting and editing hyperlinks in the content editor

You can insert hyperlinks to the content that leads to the specified URL when a visitor clicks the link. You also have the option to edit existing hyperlinks in the content. You can do this by clicking on the "insert hyperlink" button in the toolbar after highlighting the text that you want to link, or clicking on "edit" when you have selected an existing hyperlink.

How do I add hyperlinks and links in the BlueConic dialogues and forms content editor?

This will open up the edit hyperlink window where the following settings can be configured:

Link Text

The actual text that is shown on the screen and that can be clicked.

Target URL

The URL that the visitor should be directed to after clicking.

Profile property rules

You have the option to add values to one or more profile properties when a visitor clicks this specific link. Add a rule for every profile property value that you want to add.

In the same way you can also add or edit hyperlinks to images in your content. This can be done in the insert or edit image window.

Personalizing content in Dialogues

Personalize a piece of content by adding profile property values in line with the text in the editor. To do so, follow the steps below.

  1. Click the Select Personalize button:

    How do I use the Personalize button to created individualized marketing in BlueConic?

  2. The Select Profile Property dialog box appears:

    How do I select profie properties to personalize content in BlueConic?
  3. Select the profile property whose value should be displayed.

  4. Click Apply. The profile property is added to the item you are working with as a placeholder item. The value of the profile property will appear at the location of the placeholder.

Inserting objects

You can also insert objects into the content by using the "Insert object" menu:

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Which objects are available depends on which toolbar plugins have been installed in BlueConic.

Viewing or modifying the HTML source code

When you enter text in the editor, it appears as normal text, however it is actually formatted HTML code. If you select the "HTML" button in the toolbar of the editor, an extra window opens containing the source code of content that you are editing. Here you can add text to the content and modify the HTML markup. Changes that you make in the source code will immediately be reflected in the editing window. You can move the HTML window to any location in your screen that is convenient to you.

Additional edit modes for BlueConic Dialogues

If you are working in the inline view, you can open an additional rich text editor window by selecting the "Rich Text" button. Changes in the rich text editing window are immediately reflected in the inline view.

As an alternative to the rich text window you can also switch to the html-mode by clicking on the "HTML" button.

Testing Dialogues

What if someone needs to review your disabled BlueConic dialogues outside of the platform? The simplest method is usually to use a development or staging site, set up as a channel in BlueConic. When the dialogue is configured, you first activate it on that channel. Once it has been validated, don't just add the production channel -- your testing data will be associated with production. Use "Save As" and save the dialogue again. Also, don't forget to change the channel!

Testing BlueConic dialogues without a test environment

Fortunately there are practices that let you enable dialogues while preventing them from triggering, except to known reviewers or functional testers. Generally, this involves configuring the Who and Where tabs of your dialogue specifically for the purpose of review.

Consider two situations:

  1. A product manager needs to review some customized experiences delivered through BlueConic.

  2. Your QA team needs to test site functionality with BlueConic dialogue interactions in place.

A BlueConic login is not requisite to accomplish either goal. Depending on how restrictive you want to be with the dialogue, you have many options to share your work. You could change the Where tab to check for the existence of a query string parameter. For example, you could set "who" to all visitors, and "where" to restrict the dialogue to pages that contain reviewer=true, adding that parameter to any URL (e.g. becomes This can work well in situations where you in discussion and need to show a dialogue to a specific person or group of people quickly.

Perhaps the above is not strict enough. Anyone in the world with the URL would trigger the dialogue in question. If you'd prefer to be more careful with your in-development dialogue, use the Who tab to specify a segment that you know will only include your reviewers. A nice way to do this is to set a referrer hostname that only your reviewers would have visited, such as an intranet hostname. If that is not exclusive enough, you can use this in combination with the Where tab rule mentioned earlier.

Testing dialogues with external trackers

Another nice alternative is use an external tracker to set a specific referrer hostname that only users with your external tracker URL would have in their profile:

Testing in BlueConic: How do I use external trackers for testing dialogues outside the BlueConic Simulator?

There are other methods available, such as embedding an external tracker pixel in an email or on a team wiki page, or using BlueConic's built-in IP listener to determine who is eligible to see in-development dialogues based on IP address.

Testing dialogues with a guest or incognito browser

You can test your dialogues in an incognito or guest mode browser by following these steps:

  1. Open a new incognito or guest tab.

  2. Click F12 and using Chrome Developer Tools console, enter

  3. This should return your BlueConic ID. Copy this value but don't close the guest window.

  4. In your Blueconic tenant, go to Profiles and paste this value under "search profiles by unique ID."

  5. Open the profile and adjust the profile properties that are needed so that the profile you are using will meet the conditions that you have set up in the Who and What tab of the dialogue you want to test.

  6. Go back to the guest window, go to your test URL, and test.

Tips for testing and troubleshooting dialogues

For tips on testing your dialogues with the BlueConic Simulator, see the video and tips in Testing Your Dialogues. Also see the Troubleshooting Dialogues article.

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